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Welcome to TravelMadness, your passport to captivating destinations and unforgettable adventures! Join us as we embark on a journey to explore the world's hidden gems, immerse ourselves in diverse cultures, and uncover the wonders that make travel truly magical. From breathtaking landscapes to mouthwatering cuisines, we'll share our travel experiences, insider tips, and inspiring stories to ignite your wanderlust and help you create memories that will last a lifetime. Get ready to wander with us and discover the extraordinary beauty that awaits around every corner.


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Hey, welcome to EcchiMadness channel! I'm EcchiMadness and on my channel, we play (League of Legends, Decentraland, Lost Ark, Yugioh, Multiversus, ETC!) LIKE COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE to my channel for below average mediocre plays! Yup, I am just another one of those Degenerate Weea-boo Streamers. Feel free to join our community or just sit back, relax & be a HATER! EcchiMadness is a Support main, Jungle Secondary in League of Legends and is currently Spit Shine Bronze (HARD STUCK GOLD) - But one day we will make it to challenger, BELIEVE IT! Thank you to everyone that takes part in chat and gets involved with the community. Even the trolls? Kappa. I am Content Creator and League player, that showing the world how easy this game really is, a proud Ecchi-Chan with builds that will make you get the REAL FREE ELO (To spit shine bronze.) everything that we are going to use got a full detailed explanation that me and with all of our great Ecchi-Chans calculated in our discord server mostly Join our Discord server here to show you every time the BEST POSSIBLE combination of items-runes! After 8 years of Maplestory 1 started League of legends, and I am here to have fun while destroying everyone else :D In this channel you will see: Unique build Guides! Crazy gameplays! Ways to lead your team and win sure lost games!* How to be polite to each other ingame! But the most importantly you will find a new way to ENJOY playing League Of Legends. Cause on TOP from everything else League of Legends is just a GAME and games should be enjoyable and not depressing. Hope to make you to enjoy the game as much as I do, while we carrying the toxicity of others higher hahahha! ~-~~-~~~-~~-~--~-~~-~~~-~~-~--~-~~-~~~-~~-~--~-~~-~~~-~ Donations are made to support what we doing here, of course they are not Required or Expected! Your tip will be greatly appreciated! Thank you all for your great support!! Every donation will be shown in the screen together with your messages ❤️ Thank you to all that have supported the stream, both with your activeness and positivity in chat & with your wallets PayPal Link: StreamElement Link: Merch Store: -~-~~-~~~-~~-~--~-~~-~~~-~~-~--~-~~-~~~-~~-~--~-~~-~~~-~ Other Channels & Social Medias: Youtube - EcchiMadness: Youtube - EMcchiBeats: Youtube - EMcchimation: Facebook - EcchiMadness: Facebook - EMcchibeats: Facebook - EMcchimation: Twitter: Instagram: Twitch: Pinterest: TikTok: Blog: OK.RU: Dlive: Periscope: Trovo Live: Vaughn Live: MobaCrush: Nimo TV: DailyMotion: NonoLive: Afreeca Tv: Medal Tv: -~-~~-~~~-~~-~--~-~~-~~~-~~-~--~-~~-~~~-~~-~--~-~~-~~~-~ Inspired by: Youtubers, Friends, Viewers and Streamers! -~-~~-~~~-~~-~--~-~~-~~~-~~-~--~-~~-~~~-~~-~--~-~~-~~~-~ EcchiMadness SHORTS EP.2 ➲ (LOL) League of Legends ✅ [LOL] League of Ecchi|EcchiMadness|How to|Gameplay|Guide|Legends|Replay|Commentary|Outplay||Best|Plays|Live|Stream|Journey|Road|Spit|Shine|Bronze|outta| 3|to|Plat|Platinum|EP2|EP.2|Episode2|ecchi|Goomba|Streamer|Man|Goomba Man|league of legends,league of legends gameplay,twitch league of legends,twitch league of legends build,twitch league of legends champion,twitch league of legends guide,decentraland,nft decentraland,league of legends champions,league of legends wild rift,league of legends porn,league of legends hentai,league of legends ecchi,ecchimadness,emcchibeats,emcchimations,goomba man streamer,ecchi goomba man,lol support,league support,emcchi,ecchi,support main,hentai,league

WV Reefer Madness

1 Follower

Hello, I'm a West Virginia Medical Marijuana patient. I review Ohio Recreational Marijuana, West Virginia Medical Marijuana and some THCA products for personal reference and to help educate and inform any curiosity the public might have about products, devices and dispensaries in West Virginia and Ohio. I'm proudly partnered with BOOM HeadShop, Magical Butter, Cookies, Country Grown, RAD, Doteco and Nugg MD. None of my reviews are paid promotions unless otherwise stated. They are my opinion's, observations and I mix in some fun and product facts to help inform/educate anyone interested. If I do get any product promotions it will be stated at the first and at the end of the video. This won't sway my review tho, I'm totally honest on every review I do. I welcome any companies products to review, dispensary or farm to tour for educational purposes for the channel. If you are with a company and would like me to do so, please feel free to email me. You can help support the channel by Subscribing, likes and shares and purchases thru my QR code links from my Partners and of course Donations. I started out on You Tube and was on it for over 2 years and they kept changing polices and striking my channel. so, I bettered myself and the channel by changing platforms. Thank You!