Presented by Unconcerned, Straight Forward, no holding back Commentary on politics, Current events, and News. Here you will find the Audio version of the Live streams where we are Exposing the Truth, Diving in Rabbit Holes,Talking about real news, Thoughts on Current Events and so much more.. All opinions are based on FACTS presented from a constitutional conservative point of view. Yes we went back to the original Name from 5 years ago. Be sure to subscribe and Share.. Thank you. Be sure to check out the website I hope you enjoy this channel.

John 3:16 Ministries


My name is Sengthai PHOENG and I am a Christian who was born and raised in a Buddhist family in Cambodia. I met Jesus in 2014 the time when I was still a college student in Phnom Penh. By the grace of God, I was blessed to receive a full-ride scholarship to study in South Korea for five years. Seven years ago while I was pursuing my B.A in South Korea, I started this John 3:16 Ministries for the hope of sharing God\\\'s word in audio/video form with text to help our Christian brothers and sisters stay connected to God\\\'s word every day. Please note that audio contents contain in most of our videos are fully credited to Biblica Inc. If you would like to use any audio Bible kindly contact Biblia Inc directly. Please LIKE, SUBSCRIBE to this channel if you haven\\\'t already.

Johnny Somali


ONE OF THE MOST CONTROVERSIAL AND BLACKBALLED STREAMERS ON THE INTERNET IS NOW ONLY ON RUMBLE! ► Donation ($3 TTS) ► Join the Channel Membership ON LOCALS! Support Johnny Somali! ► SOCIALS ► INSTAGRAM ► TIKTOK 미국 유튜버 조니 소말리 johnnysomali ジョニーソマリ #ラムジー・カリド・イスマエル #迷惑系配信者 johnny somali #소말리 #조니 소말리아 #조니 소말리아 #조니 소말리

For enlightening the world and our lives within it. JOHN, MESHA, TIM, YOU


This channel is designed to help everyone find practical truths. From understanding your body's fundamentals to the laws of the universe and the keys to success and health, our goal is to provide shortcuts that save you time. Life on Earth is brief, and often we waste time searching for the truth through trial and error. Here, you'll find efficient pathways to truth, allowing you more time for love, joy, and deeper discoveries. Stay Tuned.

John Lamb Lash


This channel is set up exclusively to showcase the work of John Lamb Lash, author of Not In His Image: Nemeta, the School of Sophianic Arts and Sciences, is the on-line portal to a range of experimental learning paths based on the legacy of mythologist and visionary teacher John Lamb Lash. Organized thematically in 16 learning paths, the School offers a rich and diverse array of material for “adult education,†customized to meet the challenges of Kali Yuga. Drawing upon the lineage of the Mystery Schools, Nemeta presents Gnosis in a novel iteration, grounded in the sacred narrative of the wisdom goddess Sophia, the plenary sovereign intelligence of the living earth.

Seek Truth Daily


There is a time and season for every tree to sprout new branches, then leaves, then bloom and then the fruit. In time you will know what to do but God by Grace will give you the faith to do his will and you will with out fail... For now hold dear to God\'s truth and that truth is Jesus Christ... His light being in you will shine forward with time moving in the same direction placing the children of God where they need to be as Gods will be done. please Visit Study the History of your Religion and Prove your Teachers. There are more false teachings of Jesus Christ today than any other time in history. #ProveAllThings Know that Jesus is the Holy Place, Jesus is Our Holy Place, Stand with Faith in Jesus Christ. Read the true word of GOD for yourself.. King James Bible Matthew Chapter 5, This is when Jesus 1st taught the disciples. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life Jesus Christ is the Holy Place, Jesus Christ is our Holy Place