Israels Bio-Convergence experience, Brave New World Reich merging of Biology & Synthetics. Communism, Scientism, 'Gnostic Directed Evolution' ..."In the Beginning"
US Supreme Court Human Genome Patents (Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc., 569 U.S. 576 June 13, 2013 & now in Congress, the 'Patent Eligibility Restoration Act' of 2022/2023) to overturn patenting DNA decision
(3)'Big Pharma biotech GMO food' born out of Ultra Processed 'food'. Greg Reese, Catherine Austin Fitts, Elze Van Hamelen, & Carloyn Betts (Codex Alimentarius in the description box & new Pandemic warnings)
Crispr Gene editing tech in mRNA vaccine given to Millions with deaths and injuries to destroy the image of God (Genesis 1, 26 - 27) & the Human Genome project
"In the Beginning" Israels Bio-Convergence experience, Brave New World Reich merging of Biology & Synthetics. Communism, Scientism, 'Gnostic Directed Evolution'