3 years agoCarson So Sorry 💿 Closed Senses. Flint, Michigan Indie Rock, The Insyderz produced.Scene and Unseen Music Archiving
3 years agoOff Kilter 💿 2002 Demo CD (Pre-Silence the Wake). Flint, MI early 2000's Dark Melodic Hardcore PunkScene and Unseen Music Archiving
4 years agoFrontline/At Peace While Burning 🖭Demo Cassette Tape! Syracuse, Indiana Christian Metalcore/HardcoreScene and Unseen Music Archiving
3 years agoVessel 🎙️ Live at Redeeming Love (Bay City, MI). Youngstown, OH Metal. Ripped Heart Outdoor showScene and Unseen Music Archiving
3 years agoA Ways Away 💿 Maybe This Will Change. (Full 3-Song 2000 CD EP). East Lansing, Michigan Indie RockScene and Unseen Music Archiving
2 years agoDesiring Dead Flesh 💿 Magically Tough [Full CD]. Old School Punk Bay City, Michigan, Full 2009 AlbumScene and Unseen Music Archiving
4 years agoRipped Heart Prod 💔 Vol. 6 Mourning Dump 💿 2002 💿 Michigan Underground Punk, Hardcore, Metal, RockScene and Unseen Music Archiving
2 years agoBUCK Enterprises 💿 Business as Usual CD. Full album. Detroit, Michigan Christian SkaScene and Unseen Music Archiving
2 years agoSaguaro 💿 Self-Titled CD. Full 2001 Album. Midland, MichiganScene and Unseen Music Archiving
2 years agoSee You Next Tuesday 💿 This was a Tragedy CD. Full Album. 2004 EPScene and Unseen Music Archiving
2 years agoVince Dynamic 💿 Seasonal Signs (Full CD). Alternative/Indie Rock from Bay City. Michigan. 2005 albumScene and Unseen Music Archiving
4 years agoAchariyth: 4-Song EP (2000): 2. Pass the Scar. Toledo, Ohio Metalcore. Pre-Premonitions of War.Scene and Unseen Music Archiving
2 years agoDesiring Dead Flesh 💿 Solo Face [Full CD]. Old School Punk, Bay City, Michigan. 2001 AlbumScene and Unseen Music Archiving
4 years agoBesieged 💿 The First War 💿 Full-CD EP. Christian Metal Bay City, Michigan.Scene and Unseen Music Archiving
2 years agoMidori 💿 The "We're Finally Gonna Make It Big" sampler. Full 2-song 2003 CD.Scene and Unseen Music Archiving
2 years agoThe Last Broadcast 💿 Matthew CD EP. Full 2004 Lansing/Saginaw Michigan Indie Rock. Ex-Anah AeviaScene and Unseen Music Archiving
2 years agoAcceptance 🖭 Demo Tape (Audio Restored). Early to Mid-90's Christian RockScene and Unseen Music Archiving
3 years agoN*RGY 📼 An N-Soul Video Release (Full 1997 VHS) - 90's Christian Electronic Rock Pop Comp. NRGY.Scene and Unseen Music Archiving
3 years agoJudah's Lion 💿 Self-Titled CD. Mid-90's Clare, Michigan Christian Rock. Full 8-track 1996 CD!Scene and Unseen Music Archiving
3 years agoLiquid Eclipse 💿 Only Love Remains (Full 1995 CD). progressive Christian hard rock Prog band FlintScene and Unseen Music Archiving