Vessel 🎙️ Live at Redeeming Love (Bay City, MI). Youngstown, OH Metal. Ripped Heart Outdoor show

3 years ago

Vessel 🎙️ Live at Redeeming Love (Bay City, MI). Youngstown, OH Metal. Ripped Heart Outdoor show

From Youngstown, Ohio, Vessel drove up and played the Michigan music scene many times over the years. They played this Ripped Heart Outdoor show, 3 shows at The Underground in Lansing, and played the 2001 Michigan Mosh Fest in Grand Rapids alongside Zao, Luti-Kriss (Norma Jean) Figure Four, The Blamed, Ballydowse, Unition, Reva, Crimson Thorn, Secretion, Vessel, Gnashing of Teeth, Shades of Amber, Not WithStanding, Antithesis, Goliath, Life in Your Way, Desiring Dead Flesh, and more

Members (likely):
Andrew Labedz,
Joshua King,
Mike Fealko,
Steven Andrew

The bands' entire recorded catalog can be downloaded free at:

Archived in 2021 by Scene and Unseen Archiving as a part of The Ripped Heart Collection. Vessel can be found in Michigan music history book Punk The Way I Remember It: Flyer Art of Ripped Heart Productions (2020). Vessel can be found in Michigan music history book Scene and Unseen: Flyer Art of the Lansing Underground (2017, ISBN: 1543917410 & 1543917348) alongside 387 other punk, metal, hardcore, and indie rock bands, including P.O.D., Underoath, Squad Five-O, Living Sacrifice, Copeland, One:21, Blindside, Project 86, Johnny Respect, Anathallo, Still Remains, The Deluxtone Rockets, Beloved, The Blamed, Calibretto 13, Cool Hand Luke, Headnoise, Dennison Marrs, Kid Brother Collective, Anah Aevia, Besitary, Bloodlined Calligraphy, Summer Dying and so many more.

Punk The Way I Remember It Flyer Art of Ripped Heart Productions:
* Softcover:

Scene and Unseen: Flyer Art of the Lansing Underground:
* Hardcover:
* Softcover:

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