Underground Cities, Emerald City Under the Pentagon, Rainforest and a Canyon that Splits from the Dark Side Where There are Giants + A Treaty with the Giants, They Are Fed Human Flesh + Knights Templar, Massive Building Projects During 12-16th Centuries
Human Trafficking, Black Operations, Breeder Programs, Adrenochrome & Functioning Adrenochromics + Rituals and Attendance + The Church Needs to Wake Up
Star Wars Now, Learned How to Operate the Spiritual Gates, Operate Through Song + CERN, Sex Magick, Ecstasy + Satan Accuses, Human Unrighteousness, Land Rights, Spiritual Gifts + Demonic Generals, Possession, Satan's Agenda to Usurp the Throne of God
Katy Perry Bon Appetit Music Video Decode, Cannibalism, Human Beings Wrapped in Plastic Like Meat in a Supermarket, Cannibalism Restaurants, Ritual of Being in a Pot with Vegetables + Spirit Cooking + Sexual Lyrics, Cutting Braids
Voice of God Project, End-Times, Agenda: Usurp the Throne of God with a Demonic Army in Human Hosts, Battle of Armageddon + Project I Am, Alpha & Omega Soldiers, Patriot Conferences, Military Programs + Jesus is the Decode, Surrender to His Authority
Conference for Trafficked Women, Survivors of Human Trafficking + Demonic Spirits, Three Ways They Can Attach Themselves to Us and How We Can Rebuke Them
End-Time Ritual, Prophecies for the Anti-Christ, Books Made from Human Skin and Linked to Blood of the Mothers of Darkness + Ritual Prep Left Unfinished Due to Supernatural Intervention + A Horrible Vision + Actual Ritual on April 24, 2020 Also Incomplete
Satan's End-Time Agenda to Send His Demonic Army Through the Spiritual Gates and Usurp the Throne of God, It Requires Demonic Possession so Humans Can Carry Them Through the Gates + Astral Projection, Near Death Experience (NDE) and Life After Death
Demonic Possession for Power, Angels (including Fallen Ones) Have Spiritual Gifts That Can Enhance a Human Being's Gifts + The Big Bad Boys, Human Hosts Usually Only Live For Around 5 Years and Are Then Destroyed by the Demon + Shapeshifters