5 years ago(E17) Just another boring ride. 2, Suzuki DRZ400's Honda CM400 Honda XR600. Small DRZ and XR race!MotoCheez
6 years ago(E11) Abandoned Torrington, CT Drive-in exploration on the DRZ400s and DRZ400sm. Asbestos?!MotoCheez
5 years ago(E20) Sand pits to blazing trails! DRZ400s, Brozz 250, TW200, jumping, wheelies rocky trails trails.MotoCheez
6 years ago(E1) DRZ400S Road and Trail test, Top speed, First Ride and impressions, first time ever on one.MotoCheez
3 years ago(E28) Sharon Connecticut Forest roads. KTM1290 Superadventure R Suzuki DRZ400S Washed out and waterMotoCheez
6 years ago[E52] Magician, Hawk 250, CRF250L, DRZ400S Seat height comparison: bonus ride CB400 CM450MotoCheez
5 years ago(E19) Magician 250 brake locked up fix. Fall ride DRZ400 Tdub's and Magician. Z50 vs xr70MotoCheez
6 years ago(E8) 3 DRZ400's, 2 Hawk 250's and a Honda XL250. Hawk dies! iphone busted! Tough trails pt1MotoCheez
6 years ago[E59] TW200, Reflex, Hawk 250, XL250R, DRZ400, 6 bikes, Fire, Rocks, Mud,, crashes, Rough oh my.MotoCheez
6 years ago(E14) Trail clearing, Night riding, Ride all day. Special guest appearance? DRZ400 Hawk 250 XL250rMotoCheez