1 year ago⚔ 🇷🇺 BLACK EAGLE TANK - Russia REVEALED This Powerful Military Battle Tank! MilTec by AlphaTankMilitary Technologies, Innovations & Future Weapons
2 days agoRussia's T-80 stocks are running out: Kremlin's key tank repair plant is in troubleTheDailyUpdate
1 year agoRussian Army T-80U Tanks of 4th GTD moving towards the LPR front - Ukraine War Combat Footage 2022FW2 - Ukraine War, Nato War, Neocon War
2 years agoThe Floating Pontoon Bridge Successfully Withstood Heavy Traffic. T-80U, T-80BVM, BMP-2, BTR-82ATemrazplus
2 years agoT-80U tanks of the 4th Gaurds Tank Division seen in the vicinity of the Ukrainian border.F5TornadoVerified
1 year ago🇺🇦 Ukraine Russia War | T-80U Trophy Tank Operation near Terny | Oct 20, 2023 | RCFRCF - Real Combat Footage: Unfiltered Perspectives on War Military Actions and Conflicts
2 years agoRussians are deploying the remaining of their T-80U tanks in winter camouflageLast World News Channel
2 years ago#ukraine A captured Russian T-80U tank and 2A65 Msta-B 152mm howitzer in #Kharkiv Oblast #shortscanalcuriosity
1 year agoRural Thailand Life In Todays Vlog 🙏 #thaiculture #thailandvlog #thailandLife In Bamboo - Thailand
3 years ago안전한 예방접종을 위하여, 인권에 길을 묻다, 수은, 태아세포, 원숭이세포, 티메로살, 돼지독감, 코로나 백신, 미국개인인권센터, 보건정책, 국가안보, B형간염, DTaP, 사백신cosmosrich1
2 years agoStrategic Recon & Crazy T-80U Battlegroup l Regiments Op. 3: Blind Guard (NATO Master Op) l Part 2darkprometheus112