1 year agoAngelika Mann & Reinhard Lakomy Ensemble - Ein Irrer Typ [1975 Glam Rock GDR Germany ]The Day After The Sabbath
1 year agoKarat - Ich Lauf Durch Die Stadt [1975 Hard Progressive Rock GDR Germany ]The Day After The Sabbath
1 year agoBürkholz Formation - Sei Kein Vulkan [1973 Progressive Rock Heavy Jazz GDR Germany ]The Day After The Sabbath
1 year agoPanta Rhei ft. Veronika Fischer - Hier Wie Nebenan [1972 Heavy Jazz Hard Rock GDR Germany ]The Day After The Sabbath
1 year agoCity - Nur Die Nachte Gehoren Uns [1979 Hard Rock n Roll GDR Germany ]The Day After The Sabbath
1 year agoTheo Schumann Combo - Vesuv [1969 Beat / Heavy Psych Instrumental GDR Germany ]The Day After The Sabbath
1 year agoEkkehard Sander Septett aka Sander Formation - Kein Märchen [1973 Heavy Prog Hard Rock GDR Germany ]The Day After The Sabbath
1 year agoHorst Krüger Band - Hab Mir Von Der Tagesreise Manches Mitgebracht [1974 Prog Rock GDR Germany ]The Day After The Sabbath
1 year agoThe Day After The Sabbath 149: HALLO! Nr. 2 [Psych, Prog and Hard Rock of the GDR DDR ]The Day After The Sabbath
1 year agoBabylon - Tshigiten-Legende [1976 Hard Rock Heavy Metal GDR Germany ]The Day After The Sabbath