End Times Dates - Take It To The Lord In Prayer Pt 15: "Paradise" Is Not Heaven & The Firstfruits...
End Times Dates - Take It To The Lord In Prayer Part 15: "Paradise" Is Not Heaven & The Firstfruits Of Those That Slept
This video was originally produced and published in December, 2021. We start off with a La Palma update. They’re saying the eruption there is over. Is it really? Doug also mentions some timeline graphic/description updates to make note of, but no changes to the timings listed on it. Where did the Old Testament saints go when they died? What is Abraham’s Bosom? We take a much closer examination of the idea of “paradise” that Jesus himself mentions to the thief on the cross next to him, then we watch some video clips from Kat Kerr, who claims to have been given many ‘tours’ of Heaven. Next, we look at what happened when Jesus became a seed, then came to earth to live among us. Throughout this video, Doug emphasizes the importance of Ron Wyatt’s findings and also brings in some little-known facts about how Henry Gruver knew Ron Wyatt and saw many of his discoveries firsthand. Last, Doug takes a look at what National Sunday Laws might actually mean: Climate Lockdowns. This is a don’t-miss episode.
PLAYLIST OF ALL EPISODES: http://www.takeittothelordinprayer.com
Revelation Timeline graphic (Original timeline by The Fuel Project + Dates Added by The Diamond Report, based on www.2028end.com) - https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aku-IsIoYig4q0ItEHpbVEjZoOkP (Click VIEW ORIGINAL for full-size)
WEDNESDAYS WITH KAT AND STEVE - Episode 56 - https://youtu.be/3wSv5tvtWxg
Kat Kerr: Where Is Abraham's Bosom In the Bible? | Oct 20 2021 - https://youtu.be/rjEZ6PnIASA
Part 1 - Exclusive Interview with Henry Gruver: How did Ron Wyatt get to know Henry Gruver? - https://youtu.be/zR4YvD4NaNQ
Part 2 - Exclusive Interview w/ Henry Gruver: A Report of Jesus' Chromosomes & Ark of the Covenant - https://youtu.be/1NrMWyBKTG0
Part 4 - Exclusive Interview with Henry Gruver: Ron Wyatt's Stories about the Ark of Covenant - https://youtu.be/7sATsgN_N1Y
God will show the ten commandments to the world... HOW TO NOT TAKE THE MARK OF THE BEAST!- https://youtu.be/ODjfweiN-P8
The Fuel Project - http://www.thefuelproject.org
The Book of Revelation guide playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0f6_epwixV5fGUp87rwkvafcI8gwS9Im
Gabriel Ansley Erb - http://www.2028end.com
"2028 End Of The World Seminar" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YtG0etke28&list=PLcBDgtzZDmmYoKpSiGD94oF5fdX7Mc0mu
Anthony Patch - http://www.anthonypatch.com (CERN, A.I., Mark Of The Beast System)
Support Anthony's Research: http://www.subscribestar.com/anthony-patch
"Project Rooftop" Paper (FREE DOWNLOAD) - https://www.anthonypatch.com/patreon/AnthonyPatch-ProjectRooftop.pdf
The Diamond Report - http://www.thediamond.report
FREE SUBSCRIPTION: https://diamondisc.substack.com
End Times Dates - Take It To The Lord In Prayer Pt 14: Is NYC The Revelation 18 "Babylon"? La Palma!
End Times Dates - Take It To The Lord In Prayer Part 14: Is NYC The Revelation 18 "Babylon"? La Palma/MegaTsunami Update, and More!
This video was originally produced and published in October, 2021. First, Doug mentions how to find him on Rumble. Then, he shows a side-by-side comparison of the original Joe Biden from 2008 and this current one – which are clearly two different people. Make up your own mind, but to Doug, it seems obvious the current “president” is just an actor (or more than one). Next, we have a look at what’s happening at La Palma island in the eastern Atlantic and what could potentially happen if a large chunk of it were to fall off into the ocean – as some scientific papers suggest it could, which would most likely generate a tsunami wave that could impact the east coast of the U.S. Doug discusses some good sources of information and things you can do if you live on the east coast. From there, we have a look at Revelation 18 and ask the question is the millstone that is mentioned in Rev. 18:21 the island of La Palma that could potentially be a tool of God’s judgement against the Babylon mentioned in Rev. 18? Which Doug firmly believes is NYC. Fascinating connections are made in the physical and spiritual, and Doug even unearths a podcast/recording from 2013 from a pastor who has had dreams and visions about NYC being Babylon and therefore the coming judgement of God – with huge waves and fire. This video has some great info in it, particularly if you’re a New Yorker, live along the east coast, or are interested in bible prophecy.
PLAYLIST OF ALL EPISODES: http://www.takeittothelordinprayer.com
Revelation Timeline graphic (Original timeline by The Fuel Project + Dates Added by The Diamond Report, based on www.2028end.com) - https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aku-IsIoYig4q0ItEHpbVEjZoOkP (Click VIEW ORIGINAL for full-size)
Facebook Group mentioned - LaPalma Volcano Updates & Discussion Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/2943710579204361
"Cumbre Vieja Volcano - Potential collapse and tsunami at La Palma, Canary Islands" - https://1drv.ms/b/s!Aku-IsIoYig4yGrPTp6Ym3Py4i5v
"Oceanic propagation of a potential tsunami from the La Palma Island" - https://1drv.ms/b/s!Aku-IsIoYig4yHRcERZbCc6lJmNw
LIVE: Lava pours out from the volcano on Spain's La Palma island - https://youtu.be/z3tHfkG_N94
The Two Preachers - "WHAT HAS JUST HAPPENED ????? PART 27" - https://youtu.be/9-A3OVFY7q0
The Two Preachers - "WHAT HAS JUST HAPPENED ????? PART 25" - https://youtu.be/mfzsVibVjLQ
The Fuel Project - http://www.thefuelproject.org
The Book of Revelation guide playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0f6_epwixV5fGUp87rwkvafcI8gwS9Im
Gabriel Ansley Erb - http://www.2028end.com
"2028 End Of The World Seminar" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YtG0etke28&list=PLcBDgtzZDmmYoKpSiGD94oF5fdX7Mc0mu
Anthony Patch - http://www.anthonypatch.com (CERN, A.I., Mark Of The Beast System)
Support Anthony's Research: http://www.subscribestar.com/anthony-patch
"Project Rooftop" Paper (FREE DOWNLOAD) - https://www.anthonypatch.com/patreon/AnthonyPatch-ProjectRooftop.pdf
The Diamond Report - http://www.thediamond.report
FREE SUBSCRIPTION: https://diamondisc.substack.com
End Times Dates - Take It To The Lord In Prayer Pt 13: No "Peace Treaty" To Begin The Final 7 Years!
End Times Dates - Take It To The Lord In Prayer Part 13: There Will Be No "Peace Treaty" To Begin The Final 7 Years!
This video was originally produced and published in September, 2021. Doug has an epiphany during the final days of September, when he realizes that the Antichrist's "Peace Treaty" (or "covenant with Israel") isn't going to happen during the month of September - that he had been speaking of in the End Times Dates series. Doug hasn't changed his mind on the timing. He still believes that Daniel's 70th Week (the final seven years of the 490-year judgement God the Father imposes on Israel for its sin) started during September, 2021. The epiphany Doug has is when he realizes that because Jesus' ministry was actually 70 weeks long, NOT 3.5 years as most people believe (a lie going back to the Roman Empire) - has lead to a complete misinterpretation of what's actually happening in Daniel 9:26-27. This so-called "peace treaty" is a trick from Satan himself to get believers in the end times watching for a sign that would never happen. Join Doug in this short lesson on how we need to change our thinking on this issue.
PLAYLIST OF ALL EPISODES: http://www.takeittothelordinprayer.com
Revelation Timeline graphic (Original timeline by The Fuel Project + Dates Added by The Diamond Report, based on www.2028end.com) - https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aku-IsIoYig4q0ItEHpbVEjZoOkP (Click VIEW ORIGINAL for full-size)
End Times - Daniel UNSEALED! (2021 Great Tribulation) - "2520 End Times Prophecy". This video explains in detail how the 70th week of Daniel's prophecy forecasts the end of days. https://youtu.be/Yi7DD6NCGrI
The Fuel Project - http://www.thefuelproject.org
The Book of Revelation guide playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0f6_epwixV5fGUp87rwkvafcI8gwS9Im
Gabriel Ansley Erb - http://www.2028end.com
"2028 End Of The World Seminar" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YtG0etke28&list=PLcBDgtzZDmmYoKpSiGD94oF5fdX7Mc0mu
Anthony Patch - http://www.anthonypatch.com (CERN, A.I., Mark Of The Beast System)
Support Anthony's Research: http://www.subscribestar.com/anthony-patch
"Project Rooftop" Paper (FREE DOWNLOAD) - https://www.anthonypatch.com/patreon/AnthonyPatch-ProjectRooftop.pdf
The Diamond Report - http://www.thediamond.report
FREE SUBSCRIPTION: https://diamondisc.substack.com
End Times Dates - Take It To The Lord In Prayer Pt 8: Is This God's Answer To The Mark Of The Beast?
End Times Dates - Take It To The Lord In Prayer Part 8: Is This God's Answer To The Mark Of The Beast?
This video was originally produced and published in December, 2020. Following up closely with Part 4 of the series, Doug drills-down further into Ron Wyatt's discovery in 1980 of the Ark of the Covenant directly beneath the cross hole where Jesus was crucified. Researcher Kevin Fisher and his website play a pertinent role in revealing what might just be in-store for us - from God's perspective - when the Mark of the Beast law is enforced which, for all intents and purposes will likely be very soon. The CV-19 vaccine scenario has been scientifically proven to meet that description via Anthony and Kathleen Patch's research. The opening of the Sixth Seal may be sooner than we would all like to admit. This episode will encourage you if you are worried about where the globalists are taking us as fast as they can: to a One World order. But God will have a counter-narrative to the Mark of the Beast law, so all can decide who's team they will play for: His - or Satan's.
PLAYLIST OF ALL EPISODES: http://www.takeittothelordinprayer.com
Revelation Timeline graphic (Original timeline by The Fuel Project + Dates Added by The Diamond Report, based on www.2028end.com) - https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aku-IsIoYig4q0ItEHpbVEjZoOkP (Click VIEW ORIGINAL for full-size)
Kevin Fisher - http://www.arkdiscovery.com
Michael Rood Ministries - http://www.aroodawakening.tv
Ark Files - http://www.arkfiles.net
Biologos - https://statement.biologos.org/
Anthony Patch - http://www.anthonypatch.com (CERN, A.I., Mark Of The Beast System)
Support Anthony's Research: http://www.subscribestar.com/anthony-patch
"Project Rooftop" Paper (FREE DOWNLOAD) - https://www.anthonypatch.com/patreon/AnthonyPatch-ProjectRooftop.pdf
Anthony Patch - "Project Rooftop: The Mark Of The Beast" 9/15/20 - https://www.bitchute.com/video/yXVehFHPKpWn/
The Fuel Project - http://www.thefuelproject.org
The Book of Revelation guide playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0f6_epwixV5fGUp87rwkvafcI8gwS9Im
Gabriel Ansley Erb - http://www.2028end.com
"2028 End Of The World Seminar" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YtG0etke28&list=PLcBDgtzZDmmYoKpSiGD94oF5fdX7Mc0mu
The Diamond Report - http://www.thediamond.report
FREE SUBSCRIPTION: https://diamondisc.substack.com
End Times Dates - Take It To The Lord In Prayer Part 1: The End (From The Beginning)
End Times Dates - Take It To The Lord In Prayer Part 1: The End (From The Beginning)
This video was originally produced and published in March, 2019. This is the first installment of a unique presentation that will inspire and enlighten you about when Jesus Christ may return, and the unfolding of the Book of Revelation and its timing. Doug explains the often-misunderstood scripture “No man knows the day or the hour” (of Christ’s return) – and it’s likely not what you think it means – or at least, not what we’ve been taught. Based on the information in this video, Doug reveals how he believes we are right on the precipice of the beginning of the final seven years on planet earth before Jesus returns. We encourage you to take this information to the Lord in prayer and see what the Holy Spirit shares with you as well.
PLAYLIST OF ALL EPISODES: http://www.takeittothelordinprayer.com
Revelation Timeline graphic (Original timeline by The Fuel Project + Dates Added by The Diamond Report, based on www.2028end.com) - https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aku-IsIoYig4q0ItEHpbVEjZoOkP (Click VIEW ORIGINAL for full-size)
The Fuel Project - http://www.thefuelproject.org
The Book of Revelation guide playlist -
Gabriel Ansley Erb - http://www.2028end.com
"2028 End Of The World Seminar" -
Michael Rood Ministries - http://www.aroodawakening.tv (Jesus' 70-week Ministry, Death/Resurrection in AD 28)
Anthony Patch - http://www.anthonypatch.com (CERN, A.I., Mark Of The Beast System)
Geoengineering Watch - http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org (Aerial Spraying, Chemtrails)
Marshall Masters - http://www.yowusa.com (Wormwood / Planet X)
Dutchsinse - http://www.dutchsinse.com (Earthquake forecasting)
Steve Quayle - http://www.stevequayle.com (Christian Researcher and Author)
SkyWatch TV - http://www.skywatchtv.com (Christian TV)
The Diamond Report - http://www.thediamond.report
FREE SUBSCRIPTION: https://diamondisc.substack.com
End Times Dates - Take It To The Lord In Prayer Part 5: Hilarion & Babalon Working, Rev12 Sign
End Times Dates - Take It To The Lord In Prayer Part 5: Election 2020 - Hilarion & Babalon Working + The Revelation 12 Sign
This video was originally produced and published in August, 2020. The 2020 Election was certainly one for the record books. Doug perfectly describes what happens as far as the election being contested and held up for many months. On election day itself, Doug did a separate broadcast detailing how it would be Biden who would be declared the winner over Trump. Trump was indeed the "last trump" as mentioned in scripture. Doug also explores "Babalon Working" and its significance with regard to Hillary Clinton and how she could very well - even still - end up with an important role in the Biden/Harris administration. Babalon Working was based on the occult ritual of Jack Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard who summoned a demon (evil spirit) to help the antichrist come to power, beginning in 1947 - the year in which H.R.C. was born. We also take a close look at the Revelation 12 Sign and its importance, in what Doug believes will be the revealing of the biblical antichrist in 2021.
PLAYLIST OF ALL EPISODES: http://www.takeittothelordinprayer.com
Revelation Timeline graphic (Original timeline by The Fuel Project + Dates Added by The Diamond Report, based on www.2028end.com) - https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aku-IsIoYig4q0ItEHpbVEjZoOkP (Click VIEW ORIGINAL for full-size)
"Saboteurs" book by Tom Horn - https://www.skywatchtvstore.com
"Is Hillary Clinton The Whore of Babylon?" (feat. Tom Horn from SkyWatch TV) - https://youtu.be/WeLl0f7odcg
"Revelation 12 Great Sign Fulfilled" video clip courtesy of http://www.edmondoasis.tv
The Fuel Project - http://www.thefuelproject.org
The Book of Revelation guide playlist -
Gabriel Ansley Erb - http://www.2028end.com
"2028 End Of The World Seminar" -
Anthony Patch - http://www.anthonypatch.com (CERN, A.I., Mark Of The Beast System)
The Diamond Report - http://www.thediamond.report
FREE SUBSCRIPTION: https://diamondisc.substack.com
End Times Dates - Take It To The Lord In Prayer Pt 12: Jesus Returns, Armageddon & Gog-Magog War
End Times Dates - Take It To The Lord In Prayer Part 12: Jesus Returns, Armageddon & Gog-Magog War, 1,000 Year Reign
This video was originally produced and published in August, 2021. Where to find Doug on social media, then an update on The Yanuka and how it seems to be more fitting than ever for him to be announced as the Jewish "messiah" soon. Doug still feels strongly about Sept. 2021 being a highly prophetic month and will be the start of the final seven years before Jesus' second coming. Doug also mentions a possible destruction date of the Third Temple that matches the timeline he's been using and would correlate with the destruction of the first two temples. Finally, Doug does a deep-dive into the end of the end times, starting with Jesus' return, the Battle of Armageddon and new evidence that points to the Gog-Magog war happening at this same time. The Thousand Year Reign of Christ, The Great White Throne Judgement and the New Earth are also discussed in detail.
PLAYLIST OF ALL EPISODES: http://www.takeittothelordinprayer.com
Revelation Timeline graphic (Original timeline by The Fuel Project + Dates Added by The Diamond Report, based on www.2028end.com) - https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aku-IsIoYig4q0ItEHpbVEjZoOkP (Click VIEW ORIGINAL for full-size)
Source Video: "The Yanuka, the Torah Genius, Rav Shlomo Yehuda • Fascinating Documentation of His Life and Ways" - https://youtu.be/AlKeab2vRS4
The Yanuka / Rav Shlomo Yehuda's Bio PDF - https://1drv.ms/b/s!Aku-IsIoYig4yEyMKypSsMW0OkUc?e=28B3nm
The Yanuka / Rav Shlomo Yehuda's YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnmDVPeumLyddHw3Ta1vVlw
"Perfect Harmony" Article About The Yanuka - https://mishpacha.com/perfect-harmony-6/
The Fuel Project - http://www.thefuelproject.org
The Book of Revelation guide playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0f6_epwixV5fGUp87rwkvafcI8gwS9Im
Gabriel Ansley Erb - http://www.2028end.com
"2028 End Of The World Seminar" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YtG0etke28&list=PLcBDgtzZDmmYoKpSiGD94oF5fdX7Mc0mu
Anthony Patch - http://www.anthonypatch.com (CERN, A.I., Mark Of The Beast System)
Support Anthony's Research: http://www.subscribestar.com/anthony-patch
"Project Rooftop" Paper (FREE DOWNLOAD) - https://www.anthonypatch.com/patreon/AnthonyPatch-ProjectRooftop.pdf
The Diamond Report - http://www.thediamond.report
FREE SUBSCRIPTION: https://diamondisc.substack.com
End Times Dates - Take It To The Lord In Prayer Part 4: Jesus' Blood Atonement On The Mercy Seat
End Times Dates - Take It To The Lord In Prayer Part 4: Jesus' Blood Atonement On The Mercy Seat
This video was originally produced and published in October, 2019. If you're not familiar with the work of Ron Wyatt and his extraordinary claims of finding various key, biblical archaeological artifacts and locations, Doug certainly points you in the right direction in this video. Ron found the Ark of the Covenant in 1982 - where no one thought it would be… 20-feet below the cross hole where Jesus was crucified. That's only the beginning of this incredible story. Doug describes in great detail what Ron talked about in this amazing discovery - and also lets us in on something incredibly compelling that he believes the Holy Spirit led him to understand about what the antichrist will do (or attempt to do) involving the Ark and Jesus' blood atonement for our sins. This video is a viewer favorite - and a "don't miss".
PLAYLIST OF ALL EPISODES: http://www.takeittothelordinprayer.com
Revelation Timeline graphic (Original timeline by The Fuel Project + Dates Added by The Diamond Report, based on www.2028end.com) - https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aku-IsIoYig4q0ItEHpbVEjZoOkP (Click VIEW ORIGINAL for full-size)
Wyatt Museum: http://www.wyattmuseum.com
Ark Files: http://www.arkfiles.net
Koinonia House - https://www.khouse.org
The Fuel Project - http://www.thefuelproject.org
The Book of Revelation guide playlist -
Gabriel Ansley Erb - http://www.2028end.com
"2028 End Of The World Seminar" -
Michael Rood Ministries - http://www.aroodawakening.tv (Jesus' 70-week Ministry, Death/Resurrection in AD 28)
Anthony Patch - http://www.anthonypatch.com (CERN, A.I., Mark Of The Beast System)
The Diamond Report - http://www.thediamond.report
FREE SUBSCRIPTION: https://diamondisc.substack.com
End Times Dates - Take It To The Lord In Prayer Part 2 - The Sixth Seal & The Great Earthquake
End Times Dates - Take It To The Lord In Prayer Part 2: The Sixth Seal & The Great Earthquake
This video was originally produced and published in July, 2019 following the M7.1 earthquake (and many, many aftershocks) that struck in California. Doug speaks of a recent rise in global earthquake and volcanic activity and how that may culminate in the Great Earthquake as prophesied in Revelation 6 at the opening of the Sixth Seal. Doug then shares what he believes the Lord has led him to with regard to the Rev. 9:13 four Euphrates-based demons (more than likely fallen angels) leading a 200 million strong army to kill a third of humanity, and speculates on who he believes may make up that army – where they come from.
PLAYLIST OF ALL EPISODES: http://www.takeittothelordinprayer.com
Revelation Timeline graphic (Original timeline by The Fuel Project + Dates Added by The Diamond Report, based on www.2028end.com) - https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aku-IsIoYig4q0ItEHpbVEjZoOkP (Click VIEW ORIGINAL for full-size)
The Fuel Project - http://www.thefuelproject.org
The Book of Revelation guide playlist -
Gabriel Ansley Erb - http://www.2028end.com
"2028 End Of The World Seminar" -
Michael Rood Ministries - http://www.aroodawakening.tv (Jesus' 70-week Ministry, Death/Resurrection in AD 28)
Anthony Patch - http://www.anthonypatch.com (CERN, A.I., Mark Of The Beast System)
Geoengineering Watch - http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org (Aerial Spraying, Chemtrails)
Marshall Masters - http://www.yowusa.com (Wormwood / Planet X)
Dutchsinse - http://www.dutchsinse.com (Earthquake forecasting)
Steve Quayle - http://www.stevequayle.com (Christian Researcher and Author)
SkyWatch TV - http://www.skywatchtv.com (Christian TV)
The Diamond Report - http://www.thediamond.report
FREE SUBSCRIPTION: https://diamondisc.substack.com
End Times Dates - Take It To The Lord In Prayer Part 3: The Third Temple Abomination
End Times Dates - Take It To The Lord In Prayer Part 3: The Third Temple Abomination
This video was originally produced and published in September, 2019. Following-up Part 2 with more info, Doug starts by detailing how it might be a Cascadia (mountain range) earthquake that occurs at the opening of the Sixth Seal and what that could look like. The much-talked about end times Jewish Third Temple being built in Jerusalem is the main subject of this video – not only when and how that could potentially occur, but also just as importantly – how, when it is built, it will be constructed in the wrong place. Doug takes you on a fascinating journey through scripture and archeology, effectively proving that the first two temples were not on Temple Mount in Jerusalem – and yet the Third one will be, based solely on tradition instead of evidence.
PLAYLIST OF ALL EPISODES: http://www.takeittothelordinprayer.com
Revelation Timeline graphic (Original timeline by The Fuel Project + Dates Added by The Diamond Report, based on www.2028end.com) - https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aku-IsIoYig4q0ItEHpbVEjZoOkP (Click VIEW ORIGINAL for full-size)
Koinonia House - https://www.khouse.org
The Temple Institute - https://templeinstitute.org/
The Fuel Project - http://www.thefuelproject.org
The Book of Revelation guide playlist -
Gabriel Ansley Erb - http://www.2028end.com
"2028 End Of The World Seminar" -
Michael Rood Ministries - http://www.aroodawakening.tv (Jesus' 70-week Ministry, Death/Resurrection in AD 28)
Anthony Patch - http://www.anthonypatch.com (CERN, A.I., Mark Of The Beast System)
Geoengineering Watch - http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org (Aerial Spraying, Chemtrails)
Dutchsinse - http://www.dutchsinse.com (Earthquake forecasting)
Steve Quayle - http://www.stevequayle.com (Christian Researcher and Author)
The Diamond Report - http://www.thediamond.report
FREE SUBSCRIPTION: https://diamondisc.substack.com
End Times Dates - Take It To The Lord In Prayer Pt 11: (The False) Messiah Is Coming, September 2021
End Times Dates - Take It To The Lord In Prayer Part 11: Rabbis Confirm: (The False) Messiah Is Coming, September 2021
This video was originally produced and published in June, 2021. Further confirmation of what we've been saying all along in the End Times Dates series... that September 2021 will be a prophetic month. In this episode, Doug shares a video clip from a California pastor who unknowingly confirms - and expounds upon - what Doug has been saying in his video series since March 2019: that September 2021 might be the start of the final seven years on planet earth (also known as "Daniel's 70th Week"). The pastor mentions some key Orthodox Jewish Rabbis who have been stating on the record that their "messiah" - the moshiach - will make his appearance in September of this year during Yom Kippur. Doug believes it might be to help facilitate the "peace treaty" as mentioned in Daniel 9:27. The Jewish "moshiach" will be the biblical antichrist at the halfway point in the final seven years which would be by 2025, if not sooner. A further revelation about the gematria number "618" is explained in this video as well.
PLAYLIST OF ALL EPISODES: http://www.takeittothelordinprayer.com
Revelation Timeline graphic (Original timeline by The Fuel Project + Dates Added by The Diamond Report, based on www.2028end.com) - https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aku-IsIoYig4q0ItEHpbVEjZoOkP (Click VIEW ORIGINAL for full-size)
Source Video: "MESSIAH IS COMING | Sunday Worship Service | 10 AM" - https://youtu.be/jROqV5IXIpQ and also https://calvarysanclemente.org/sermons/messiah-is-coming-prophecy-update/
Pastor Davis' Sermon Notes - https://calvarysanclemente.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/MESSIAH-IS-COMING.pdf
PROPAGANDA ARTICLE: "Christians Anoint Young Rabbi as 'False Messiah'" - https://www.israeltoday.co.il/read/christians-anoint-young-rabbi-as-false-messiah/
"618 Angel Number" – Meaning and Symbolism - https://angelnumber.org/618-angel-number/
The Yanuka / Rav Shlomo Yehuda's Bio PDF - https://1drv.ms/b/s!Aku-IsIoYig4yEyMKypSsMW0OkUc?e=28B3nm
The Yanuka / Rav Shlomo Yehuda's YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnmDVPeumLyddHw3Ta1vVlw
"Perfect Harmony" Article About The Yanuka - https://mishpacha.com/perfect-harmony-6/
The Fuel Project - http://www.thefuelproject.org
The Book of Revelation guide playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0f6_epwixV5fGUp87rwkvafcI8gwS9Im
Gabriel Ansley Erb - http://www.2028end.com
"2028 End Of The World Seminar" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YtG0etke28&list=PLcBDgtzZDmmYoKpSiGD94oF5fdX7Mc0mu
Anthony Patch - http://www.anthonypatch.com (CERN, A.I., Mark Of The Beast System)
Support Anthony's Research: http://www.subscribestar.com/anthony-patch
"Project Rooftop" Paper (FREE DOWNLOAD) - https://www.anthonypatch.com/patreon/AnthonyPatch-ProjectRooftop.pdf
The Diamond Report - http://www.thediamond.report
FREE SUBSCRIPTION: https://diamondisc.substack.com
End Times Dates - Take It To The Lord In Prayer Pt 10: Will This Jewish Rabbi Become The Antichrist?
End Times Dates - Take It To The Lord In Prayer Part 10: Will This Jewish Rabbi Become The Biblical Antichrist?
This video was originally produced and published in April, 2021. Doug has been stating since beginning the "End Times Dates" series in 2019 that the Antichrist will come from Syria, that he will be revealed in March of 2021, along with the beginnings of World War 3. It appears that Doug was 100% correct. On March 24th, Ukraine and Russia began what is amounting to a nuclear face-off over the disputed Donbas and Crimea regions in Ukraine, where NATO (i.e. the U.S.) will surely be involved as well. Also, at the beginning of Passover 2021 (following a global prayer by the Jews for a revealing of their "messiah"), on March 27th a Jewish Rabbi made his world "debut" at the Western Wall in Jerusalem - in a now viral video, where he is worshipped, kissed, and lauded by the crowd. Who is this man? Where did he come from? Will he become the Jewish "moshiach" - therefore, the biblical Antichrist? Doug believes he might very well be that person. Does his name add up to "666"? Find out in this video.
PLAYLIST OF ALL EPISODES: http://www.takeittothelordinprayer.com
Revelation Timeline graphic (Original timeline by The Fuel Project + Dates Added by The Diamond Report, based on www.2028end.com) - https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aku-IsIoYig4q0ItEHpbVEjZoOkP (Click VIEW ORIGINAL for full-size)
The Yanuka / Rav Shlomo Yehuda's Bio PDF - https://1drv.ms/b/s!Aku-IsIoYig4yEyMKypSsMW0OkUc?e=28B3nm
The Yanuka / Rav Shlomo Yehuda's YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnmDVPeumLyddHw3Ta1vVlw
"Perfect Harmony" Article About The Yanuka - https://mishpacha.com/perfect-harmony-6/
"Properties Of The Number 34" - https://www.ridingthebeast.com/numbers/nu34.php
"618 Angel Number" – Meaning and Symbolism - https://angelnumber.org/618-angel-number/
We Want Moshiach Now (Global Prayer) - http://www.wewantmoshiachnow.net/
Gematria Calculators - https://www.ridingthebeast.com/gematria-calculator/ and https://www.torahcalc.com/gematria/
The Fuel Project - http://www.thefuelproject.org
The Book of Revelation guide playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0f6_epwixV5fGUp87rwkvafcI8gwS9Im
Gabriel Ansley Erb - http://www.2028end.com
"2028 End Of The World Seminar" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YtG0etke28&list=PLcBDgtzZDmmYoKpSiGD94oF5fdX7Mc0mu
Anthony Patch - http://www.anthonypatch.com (CERN, A.I., Mark Of The Beast System)
Support Anthony's Research: http://www.subscribestar.com/anthony-patch
"Project Rooftop" Paper (FREE DOWNLOAD) - https://www.anthonypatch.com/patreon/AnthonyPatch-ProjectRooftop.pdf
The Diamond Report - http://www.thediamond.report
FREE SUBSCRIPTION: https://diamondisc.substack.com
End Times Dates - Take It To The Lord In Prayer Pt 9: Revelation Timelines, 2021, & 666 Gematria?
End Times Dates - Take It To The Lord In Prayer Part 9: Revelation Timelines, 2021, & The Gematria Of 666... Why?
This video was originally produced and published in March, 2021. Doug starts with a brief earthquake update and mentions how we may be on the precipice of the Sixth Seal Great Earthquake occurring, which he believes may result in the uncovering of the Ark of the Covenant - all in God's timing. This episode is primarily focused on a new Revelation Timeline that Doug recently discovered - in his own office - but how that timeline matches up precisely to what he has been saying throughout this series. He also mentions the worldwide Jewish prayer for their "messiah" (who will end up being the biblical Antichrist) that happened in February, 2021 and how "3.5 years" ties into the Antichrist in several ways. Last, Doug examines the meaning of "666" and how he believes God has given this number to believers - not to be fearful, but to be able to recognize the true biblical Antichrist before he's even completely established on the world's stage. Remember, God knew the end from the beginning and He wants us to recognize the times in which we are living.
PLAYLIST OF ALL EPISODES: http://www.takeittothelordinprayer.com
Revelation Timeline graphic (Original timeline by The Fuel Project + Dates Added by The Diamond Report, based on www.2028end.com) - https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aku-IsIoYig4q0ItEHpbVEjZoOkP (Click VIEW ORIGINAL for full-size)
What Does 666 Mean? Answers in Revelation - https://www.crosswalk.com/church/pastors-or-leadership/ask-roger/what-is-the-meaning-of-666-in-revelation.html
Gematria Calculators - https://www.ridingthebeast.com/gematria-calculator/ and https://www.torahcalc.com/gematria/
Michael Rood Ministries - http://www.aroodawakening.tv
The Revelation Scroll (12" x 47.25") - $19.95
The Fuel Project - http://www.thefuelproject.org
This video describes Daniel's 70th Week and the meaning of it, which correlates to the final seven years before Jesus' return. "Revelation: The Fuel Project Guide (Part 18 - Jacob's Trouble)" - https://youtu.be/RyLZuCy3KqU
The Book of Revelation guide playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0f6_epwixV5fGUp87rwkvafcI8gwS9Im
Gabriel Ansley Erb - http://www.2028end.com
"2028 End Of The World Seminar" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YtG0etke28&list=PLcBDgtzZDmmYoKpSiGD94oF5fdX7Mc0mu
Anthony Patch - http://www.anthonypatch.com (CERN, A.I., Mark Of The Beast System)
Support Anthony's Research: http://www.subscribestar.com/anthony-patch
"Project Rooftop" Paper (FREE DOWNLOAD) - https://www.anthonypatch.com/patreon/AnthonyPatch-ProjectRooftop.pdf
The Diamond Report - http://www.thediamond.report
FREE SUBSCRIPTION: https://diamondisc.substack.com
End Times Dates - Take It To The Lord In Prayer Part 7: The MOTB: Lucif Erase & The Strong Delusion
End Times Dates - Take It To The Lord In Prayer Part 7: The Mark Of The Beast: Lucif Erase & The Strong Delusion
This video was originally produced and published in September, 2020. This episode closely follows Part 6, so it's really important to see both of them if possible. In it, Doug has some more clips of Anthony Patch where he explains the CDC "Playbook" on the rollout of the CV-19 vaccine, the importance of the "cold chain" for the hypodermic version - and how it's really impractical to vaccinate the entire world's population - however, if the delivery system is the quantum-dot micro-needle array vaccine patch, that can be administered much easier. The final picture of exactly what the biblical mark of the beast is, really comes into focus in this episode. Doug also explains how not only the ability to "buy and sell" will be tied to it, but many other things as well such as the ability to travel, a hack-proof digital ID, and even debt forgiveness. This is another "don't miss" episode if you want to understand what will be unfolding in the very near term.
PLAYLIST OF ALL EPISODES: http://www.takeittothelordinprayer.com
Revelation Timeline graphic (Original timeline by The Fuel Project + Dates Added by The Diamond Report, based on www.2028end.com) - https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aku-IsIoYig4q0ItEHpbVEjZoOkP (Click VIEW ORIGINAL for full-size)
CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Playbook -
Anthony Patch - http://www.anthonypatch.com (CERN, A.I., Mark Of The Beast System)
Support Anthony's Research: http://www.subscribestar.com/anthony-patch
"From The Rooftop" Paper (FREE DOWNLOAD) -
Anthony Patch - "Project Rooftop: The Mark Of The Beast" 9/15/20 -
The Fuel Project - http://www.thefuelproject.org
The Book of Revelation guide playlist -
Gabriel Ansley Erb - http://www.2028end.com
"2028 End Of The World Seminar" -
The Diamond Report - http://www.thediamond.report
FREE SUBSCRIPTION: https://diamondisc.substack.com
End Times Dates - Take It To The Lord In Prayer Part 6: The Anti-Christ & One World Singularity
End Times Dates - Take It To The Lord In Prayer Part 6: The Anti-Christ & The Coming One World Singularity
This video was originally produced and published in September, 2020. In this episode, Doug intersperses video clips from researcher Anthony Patch with thoughts of his own about when the revealing of the biblical antichrist will more than likely occur - during 2021 - because the world stage is clearly being set for him now. Doug also talks about the importance of the year 1947 (he had brought that up in Part 5) as well as the concept of Hollow Earth versus Flat Earth and asks the question, who is the King of the World and did Admiral Byrd meet him in 1947 on a trip to inner earth? Finally, Doug does some deep analysis on what he felt the Lord gave him about the coming antichrist in 2021 revealed in, of all things, a professional hockey game nine full months earlier. In order to make sense of it all, we suggest simply watching it and most definitely take it to the Lord in prayer.
PLAYLIST OF ALL EPISODES: http://www.takeittothelordinprayer.com
Revelation Timeline graphic (Original timeline by The Fuel Project + Dates Added by The Diamond Report, based on www.2028end.com) - https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aku-IsIoYig4q0ItEHpbVEjZoOkP (Click VIEW ORIGINAL for full-size)
Anthony Patch - http://www.anthonypatch.com (CERN, A.I., Mark Of The Beast System)
Support Anthony's Research: http://www.subscribestar.com/anthony-patch
"From The Rooftop" Paper (FREE DOWNLOAD) - https://www.anthonypatch.com/patreon/From%20the%20Rooftop.pdf
Fourth Watch Films' "Hollow Earth Chronicles" - http://www.fourthwatchfilms.com
"Cascadia - The Big One" (VOD) - https://www.gensix.com/store/cascadia-the-big-one-vod/
The Fuel Project - http://www.thefuelproject.org
The Book of Revelation guide playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0f6_epwixV5fGUp87rwkvafcI8gwS9Im
Gabriel Ansley Erb - http://www.2028end.com
"2028 End Of The World Seminar" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YtG0etke28&list=PLcBDgtzZDmmYoKpSiGD94oF5fdX7Mc0mu
The Diamond Report - http://www.thediamond.report
FREE SUBSCRIPTION: https://diamondisc.substack.com