ArrayPointer's Channel
ArrayPointer's Channel

ArrayPointer's Channel



Yes, that's right, it's Vintage Story: the enthralling voxel-based sandbox survival game that most people don't know about yet, despite the following facts:

1) A feature set that makes Minecraft feel like a baby rattle.

2) Graphics and natural physics that make Minecraft look like a childish cartoon.

3) A lean and mean C# development team of TEN people instead of the SIX HUNDRED Javages at Mosoft.

4) Realism light years beyond punching a tree with your bare hand.

5) Total loyalty of the developers to the players of the game.

6) No woke slogans, no woke chat reporting, no woke punishments of innocent children in other countries, and no woke betrayals of the initial developers.

7) All this and Vintage Story has been in development for HALF the time of Minecraft.

You want to spend $29.99 on a game suitable for your five-year-old, or $21.00 on a game that exceeds everything Minecraft could have been?

Now that I've shouted from the soapbox, I'll step down and list the parameters for my hardcore Vintage Story survival games.

Singleplayer only.

Absolutely NO creative mode.

World creation set to Standard, with all default settings except for these three:

1) Lives are changed from Infinite to 1.

2) Tree sapling growth is set to 1x.

3) Class recipes are turned off.

I always choose the Commoner class to avoid any special abilities that could skew the outcome of my attempts at surviving.

Almost pure vanilla. Only one mod is added, that being the Simple HUD Clock, so the viewer can verify the continuity of my footage.

No web cam, no voice, no commentary.

I chat with anyone who chats me while I stream on Twitch. I also occasionally type spontaneous comments such as "oops" or "lol."

That's it.



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Joined Jul 22, 2023

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26 videos