
Arriving some 32 years after Garry Hughes (DJ Uzi) and Adem Jaffers (VJ Tekno Mandala) had jammed together for the first time at Le Rox Nite Club (S.A) in 1991. They are returning to do this one-off retro a/v live-stream mix.

Featuring sounds and vision from the past, revamped for the contemporary age. DJ Uzi will stream a/v live from his studio in San Francisco, where a/v feed is received by Tekno Mandala in Melbourne studio for re-stream here.

As an added special retro appearance, long-time Cyberthon collaborator Till Gangemi (Don’t Shoot the Messenger) will also be live in the Melbourne studio with Tekno Mandala for a 2-way fusion retro mix in glorious PAL SD ratio.

With enough ceremonial incense, mantras and permission from the Tekno Deities, R3TROGR4D3 should be a time-warped blast from the past.

Hosted by Cyberthon TV


More on the a/v purveyors:

DJ UZI https://www.facebook.com/groups/1416642785741888

TEKNO MANDALA https://vimeo.com/vjmandala

DSTM https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100084127982966

The original 1991 Le Rox a/v mix is also available to view here > https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/98235638 It has had the highest hits of all videos since THUMP was released!

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Joined Jul 13, 2021

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