God is good all the time 1130: Discussing Faith with Others
As we were out this week we had a wonderful discussion with a young lady that claimed to be agnostic. Well this was a refreshing chat as you will see from our discussion about discussing our faith with others.
As usual Feel free to contact me with any questions or if you want to get a hold of us for anything:
Find my previous videos on YouTube:
And the ministry that God has used me for:Time-Line Enterprises
or on Facebook: Time-Line Enterprises: https://www.facebook.com/tlelivinghistory
God is good all the time 1195: God uses unique people for His plans- Saul/Paul
So today we are looking at a unique person from the New Testament. We look at Saul who was renamed Paul. What makes him unique is what we are going to do.
As usual Feel free to contact me with any questions or if you want to get a hold of us for anything:
Find my previous videos on YouTube:
And the ministry that God has used me for:Time-Line Enterprises
or on Facebook: Time-Line Enterprises: https://www.facebook.com/tlelivinghistory
God is good all the time 1194: God uses Unique People For His plans- Deborah
Yes we are going to look at UNIQUE people that God has used and how He used them to achieve His Plan. The first person we are going to check out is Deborah, a judge of Israel. She has a short story in Judges yet it is still significant.
As usual Feel free to contact me with any questions or if you want to get a hold of us for anything:
Find my previous videos on YouTube:
And the ministry that God has used me for:Time-Line Enterprises
or on Facebook: Time-Line Enterprises: https://www.facebook.com/tlelivinghistory
God is good all the time 1193:Is there Innocense in God's Soverinty?
People ask why did God do it that way or this way? Why did innocent people have to suffer to get something done? Well that's what we are talking about today.
As usual Feel free to contact me with any questions or if you want to get a hold of us for anything:
Find my previous videos on YouTube:
And the ministry that God has used me for:Time-Line Enterprises
or on Facebook: Time-Line Enterprises: https://www.facebook.com/tlelivinghistory
God is good all the time 1192: The fact of Individual Repentance
Yes we are looking at the individual this time and repentance. There are those that believe that once you are saved then you are sinless and incapable of sinning again. Well, we are human and that is not the case.
As usual Feel free to contact me with any questions or if you want to get a hold of us for anything:
Find my previous videos on YouTube:
And the ministry that God has used me for:Time-Line Enterprises
or on Facebook: Time-Line Enterprises: https://www.facebook.com/tlelivinghistory
God is good all the time 1191: Israel an example of National Repentance
Yes today we are looking at the nation of Israel in the Bible. This is the example that we should look at when we think of repentance on a larger scale. The Nation as we have now just as it was then should take stock of the things we are supporting and repent as a nation when it is needed to do so. AS we say look to Israel in the scriptures and you can see when the nation was wrong it was punished and the repented and came back again to follow what the Lord has said. Same principle today.
As usual Feel free to contact me with any questions or if you want to get a hold of us for anything:
Find my previous videos on YouTube:
And the ministry that God has used me for:Time-Line Enterprises
or on Facebook: Time-Line Enterprises: https://www.facebook.com/tlelivinghistory
God is good all the time 1190: A look at Psalm 46
This is a look at the joyful things about knowing God. Hopefully you will agree and be joyful with us as we look at this Psalm.
As usual Feel free to contact me with any questions or if you want to get a hold of us for anything:
Find my previous videos on YouTube:
And the ministry that God has used me for:Time-Line Enterprises
or on Facebook: Time-Line Enterprises: https://www.facebook.com/tlelivinghistory
God is good all the time 1189: And God is with US STILL!!
As we come to the end of the story of Joseph that we want to look at we see that things work out as God had intended for them to be. And it is that way with all things today. We may not see how they are to be but God is still with us no matter how it looks.
As usual Feel free to contact me with any questions or if you want to get a hold of us for anything:
Find my previous videos on YouTube:
And the ministry that God has used me for:Time-Line Enterprises
or on Facebook: Time-Line Enterprises: https://www.facebook.com/tlelivinghistory
God is good all the time 1188: How can things go from looking up to Looking so Bad??
Yes we are in a point of this story that things are starting to look up for this young man...and yet! We see how things get bad when someone who wants something they aren't suppose to have gets made a fool and lies. So we get to see some more for Joseph.
As usual Feel free to contact me with any questions or if you want to get a hold of us for anything:
Find my previous videos on YouTube:
And the ministry that God has used me for:Time-Line Enterprises
or on Facebook: Time-Line Enterprises: https://www.facebook.com/tlelivinghistory
God is good all the time 1187: Can things Get Any Worse when we are Low?
Now we are dealing with Joseph coming to Egypt. He is already in the hands of people that bought him and now he is in a foriegn land and he has to deal with the situation that arises there. Let's keep going and see what happens.
As usual Feel free to contact me with any questions or if you want to get a hold of us for anything:
Find my previous videos on YouTube:
And the ministry that God has used me for:Time-Line Enterprises
or on Facebook: Time-Line Enterprises: https://www.facebook.com/tlelivinghistory
God is good all the time 1186: Can we always ride the highs for Long?
AS we started to see with the story of Joseph; he is riding on a high streak. But the question becomes how long can we ride that high before something is bound to knock us down? Well we continue with Joseph today and see what comes next for this young man.
As usual Feel free to contact me with any questions or if you want to get a hold of us for anything:
Find my previous videos on YouTube:
And the ministry that God has used me for:Time-Line Enterprises
or on Facebook: Time-Line Enterprises: https://www.facebook.com/tlelivinghistory
God is good all the time 1185: Following God is NOT always Easy!
We are starting a semi-series about this idea that following God is NOT always easy. And we have lots of examples of this throughout the Bible. So we are going to be looking at just one character to start.
As usual Feel free to contact me with any questions or if you want to get a hold of us for anything:
Find my previous videos on YouTube:
And the ministry that God has used me for:Time-Line Enterprises
or on Facebook: Time-Line Enterprises: https://www.facebook.com/tlelivinghistory
God is good all the time 1184: Worship at Sample's Border Station
Today is the service that was done at Sample's Border Station also known as the Sample's Border Ranger's Rondevous. It was a great time and we all worshiped together to the great God of the Universe who created all and is in all. This is the full service so it is a bit longer than most of the videos we do. We do hope that you enjoy this aspect of what we do.
As usual Feel free to contact me with any questions or if you want to get a hold of us for anything:
Find my previous videos on YouTube:
And the ministry that God has used me for:Time-Line Enterprises
or on Facebook: Time-Line Enterprises: https://www.facebook.com/tlelivinghistory
God is good all the time 1183: Safety in Trials
Today we take a look at safety in trials. We can know that we are safe no matter the trial. God is with us and always will be. So today we take a look at an event in the life of Paul and Silas as they face trials and we see that they are not worried because they know they are safe.
As usual Feel free to contact me with any questions or if you want to get a hold of us for anything:
Find my previous videos on YouTube:
And the ministry that God has used me for:Time-Line Enterprises
or on Facebook: Time-Line Enterprises: https://www.facebook.com/tlelivinghistory
God is good all the time 1182: The Holy Spirit at Work
Today we look at the Spirit and how we see it moving and how it can work. This is a look at scripture and at our own lives how we have seen it at work.
As usual Feel free to contact me with any questions or if you want to get a hold of us for anything:
Find my previous videos on YouTube:
And the ministry that God has used me for:Time-Line Enterprises
or on Facebook: Time-Line Enterprises: https://www.facebook.com/tlelivinghistory
God is good all the time 1181: Patience, waiting and Endurance
Yep a thing we all can use at times and we all know it. Is it easy...in no ways. But we are admonished throughout scripture to have it and to basically hang in there.
As usual Feel free to contact me with any questions or if you want to get a hold of us for anything:
Find my previous videos on YouTube:
And the ministry that God has used me for:Time-Line Enterprises
or on Facebook: Time-Line Enterprises: https://www.facebook.com/tlelivinghistory
God is good all the time 1180: Believers, Despair and Hopelessness
I sort of am reexamining a couple of the videos we did and mentioning some things that we might have forgotten or neglected to go over a bit more thoroughly. And that is the look at despair and hopelessness in situations and people that we can trust.
As usual Feel free to contact me with any questions or if you want to get a hold of us for anything:
Find my previous videos on YouTube:
And the ministry that God has used me for:Time-Line Enterprises
or on Facebook: Time-Line Enterprises: https://www.facebook.com/tlelivinghistory
God is good all the time 1179: Believers and Self Care
As we say there is no time than the present to make sure all is well. Self care is just that taking the time that is needed to make sure that we are well and able to continually do what God has called us to do. If we don't take care of ourselves then we are prone to burnout.
So to announce we will be taking 2 weeks of from the end of this week. And we shall be back on Labor Day with new videos.
As usual Feel free to contact me with any questions or if you want to get a hold of us for anything:
Find my previous videos on YouTube:
And the ministry that God has used me for:Time-Line Enterprises
or on Facebook: Time-Line Enterprises: https://www.facebook.com/tlelivinghistory
God is good all the time 1178: A look at the world around us Recently
Yes there have been many things that have been going on that are very concerning. From things that happened at the Olympics opening to riots going on in the United Kingdom.
As usual Feel free to contact me with any questions or if you want to get a hold of us for anything:
Find my previous videos on YouTube:
And the ministry that God has used me for:Time-Line Enterprises
or on Facebook: Time-Line Enterprises: https://www.facebook.com/tlelivinghistory
God is good all the time 1177: Believers and Sadness and Depression
Today we deal with sadness. There are those that believe that because we are believers we don't suffer sadness or depression. So today we take a look at this idea.
As usual Feel free to contact me with any questions or if you want to get a hold of us for anything:
Find my previous videos on YouTube:
And the ministry that God has used me for:Time-Line Enterprises
or on Facebook: Time-Line Enterprises: https://www.facebook.com/tlelivinghistory
God is good all the time 1176: Believers and Anger
Today is the issue of anger. This turns out to be a two sided issue as some anger is good and some anger is bad. And then there are the times when as believers we are told that we shouldn't get mad ever.
As usual Feel free to contact me with any questions or if you want to get a hold of us for anything:
Find my previous videos on YouTube:
And the ministry that God has used me for:Time-Line Enterprises
or on Facebook: Time-Line Enterprises: https://www.facebook.com/tlelivinghistory
God is good all the time 1175: Believers and P.T.S.D.
Yes we are still dealing with mental health. Today's aspect we look at is something that is very personal and dear to me. I have P.T.S.D. and I know others that are not from the same background as I am that have the same thing. So today we look at it and see how wide spread it actually is in society.
As usual Feel free to contact me with any questions or if you want to get a hold of us for anything:
Find my previous videos on YouTube:
And the ministry that God has used me for:Time-Line Enterprises
or on Facebook: Time-Line Enterprises: https://www.facebook.com/tlelivinghistory
God is good all the time 1174: Believers and dealing with Self Harm
Today we look at the issue of self harm. This just not mean suicide because there are many ways that people harm themselves and so we are going to look into this as believers and how this affects us as well.
As usual Feel free to contact me with any questions or if you want to get a hold of us for anything:
Find my previous videos on YouTube:
And the ministry that God has used me for:Time-Line Enterprises
or on Facebook: Time-Line Enterprises: https://www.facebook.com/tlelivinghistory
God is good all the time 1173: Believers and Bullies
Today we are looking at bullies and bullying. It is a problem and how it has been allowed to become an excuse for all things that bad things that end up happening.
As usual Feel free to contact me with any questions or if you want to get a hold of us for anything:
Find my previous videos on YouTube:
And the ministry that God has used me for:Time-Line Enterprises
or on Facebook: Time-Line Enterprises: https://www.facebook.com/tlelivinghistory
God is good all the time 1172: Believers and Mental Health
So we had been doing some talking thinking about things that we would be putting together and we both started talking about some of the things that were going on in the world. And then it jumped out to us that we needed to look at mental health. We both have experiences and some training in this area and we are believers as well. And unfortunately there are some really poor thoughts about mental health and believers. So we are going to be dealing with some of these things and try to dispel some of the un truths that are conceived.
As usual Feel free to contact me with any questions or if you want to get a hold of us for anything:
Find my previous videos on YouTube:
And the ministry that God has used me for:Time-Line Enterprises
or on Facebook: Time-Line Enterprises: https://www.facebook.com/tlelivinghistory
God is good all the time 1171: Words nuance in Doctrine makes a Difference!!
That's right the nuance of words in a doctrine really make a BIG difference. Why is that? Well it has to do with what is then being stated in the doctrine, and this is specially true in the latest controversy of doctrine that we have dealt with recently.
As usual Feel free to contact me with any questions or if you want to get a hold of us for anything:
Find my previous videos on YouTube:
And the ministry that God has used me for:Time-Line Enterprises
or on Facebook: Time-Line Enterprises: https://www.facebook.com/tlelivinghistory