Natural AF Podcast
Natural AF Podcast

Natural AF Podcast



Topics like health, fitness and nutrition get a little stale after a while. But by applying deeper holistic practices to your fitness and health routines, you too can unleash your inner Warrior Shaman. I’m creating a space where you can go to hear topics you may not easily find elsewhere. I’ll explore some really strange abilities that I’ve found in myself that’s opened a very interesting path through studying ancient practices that most Military and Blue Collar guys like myself don’t typically take an interest in. I expect you’ll have your own personal paradigms challenged, so I encourage you to exercise a skill we were taught in Special Forces training: Think OUTSIDE the Box. For more of my history, read my blog at or KEEP LISTENING. US Army Special Forces has a long history of being involved in exploring the esoteric reaches of what is possible as a human. Esoteric simply means ”not widely known.” In Movies like ”The Men Who Stare At Goats” and books like ”American Warrior” by Gary O’Neal we can start to imagine what’s possible. Much of this is treated as myth, but I’ve seen and experienced much of this first hand and it has put me on a quest to find out who we really are and what we’re truly capable of doing! It’s been an exciting journey thus far, and it’s about to get a whole lot more interesting.

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Joined Mar 3, 2023

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