Nerds for Freedom
Nerds for Freedom

Nerds for Freedom



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Who are Nerds for Freedom?

We are! Nerds for Freedom are stewards OF freedom.

The promotion of stewardship is an exhortation to each person who wish to reap the rewards of freedom to consider protecting and nurturing individual freedoms. All adults of this world carry the responsibility of stewardship. We create, through action and through in-action, a legacy for the next generation. We are managing the affairs of this earthly sphere in hopes of leaving the place better than we found it, and that means making it more free for hoi polloi.

Eleanor Roosevelt said “Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being. With freedom comes responsibility. For the person who is unwilling to grow up, the person who does not want to carry his own weight, this is a frightening prospect.”

This may not be a frightening prospect for those who willingly take on the mantle of this honorable obligation, but one would be wise to do so with careful preparation. Conversing with similarly value-oriented individuals, sharing ideas and information, practicing both logic and discernment, and learning about the mistakes and the right-actions our forebears made is an excellent place to start and to maintain that preparation.

Each steward-minded person will come to the discussion with different life experiences, different personalities, and different talents. This is a GOOD thing. Echo chambers won’t help us find the answers; diverse thoughts will. Perhaps that’s why group-think can become disheartening; like a woodland pond, the longer it remains stagnant, the more it begins to stink with decay. The world needs creativity to face the complex puzzles we each encounter.

The Nerds for Freedom community is for the courageous stewards of this world. All hail each person willing to grow up! We are the ones who will confront the current challenges rather than abandoning them to succeeding generations. It is we who will hopefully become giants, similar to the ones of whom Sir Isaac Newton referred, upon whose shoulders tomorrow’s stewards may one day stand.


NerFF topics: Freedom stewardship, science, tech, politics, legislation, history

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Joined Jan 5, 2022

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