Healthy & Awake Podcast

Healthy & Awake Podcast



Welcome to Healthy & Awake Podcast, a unique space for critical thinkers and seekers of truth in the health community. Here, we delve deep into the narratives shaping our environment, understanding that just as our bodies require wholesome food, our minds need clear, unbiased information. Led by Mike Vera, a board-certified health coach with a distinctive perspective, we view the world through the lens of 5th generation warfare, where information is a tool used to manipulate our decision-making. In a landscape where health choices are often influenced by hidden agendas, we ask the tough questions and explore the overlooked narratives. Join us in this journey of awareness, as we dissect the information around us and empower ourselves to make truly informed, healthy decisions. Be part of a community that dares to think differently and seeks to understand the real impact of the information we consume.

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Joined May 17, 2022

9,863 total views

48 videos