Facebook says I'm abusive content....

3 years ago

Abuse message: https://twitter.com/Adrian35919155/status/1395118289702031364/photo/1
ASUS video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e48eYElm1R8
NY Right to Repair video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50cAYRe7mo0

The new chair of the Consumer Affairs Committee is Assemblymember Nily Rozic; she replaced the old chair who was anti-right-to-repair. We want to show her that there is grassroots support for Right to Repair bill A7006 throughout New York. Her Albany office number is 518-455-5172 and her District office number is 718-820-0241. Her email address is RozicN@nyassembly.gov - emails and phone calls in support of Right to Repair are HIGHLY APPRECIATED!

You can also contact your assemblyperson and senator here: https://states.repair.org/states/newyork/ I HIGHLY SUGGEST YOU CONTACT BOTH IF YOU ARE AN NY RESIDENT, BOTH THE COMMITTEE CHAIR ABOVE, AND VIA https://states.repair.org/states/newyork/

The last chair wondered why people didn't just use the manufacturer's repair service and said he buys a new one when his old item breaks, so he didn't see why this was an issue. Imagine: a politician, paid by YOUR tax dollars, saying you should buy a new one when the old one breaks, because he can.

He can afford to buy a new one, when the old one breaks. He got voted out of office soon thereafter, a fitting followup to his "let them eat cake" comment.

There is a chance to get this done this session. The biggest opposition is gone. Let's make it happen. I need your help to get it done. Overcome your cynicism for talking to politicians for a moment. If I can, so can you!


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