God Passes By - Forward paragraph #03

2 years ago

[00:00:00] George Via: To what else can the observant eye or the unprejudiced mind acquainted with the signs and portents heralding the birth and accompanying the rise of the Faith of Bahá'u'lláh ascribe this dire this planetary upheaval with its attendant destruction misery and fear if not to the emergence of His embryonic World Order which as He Himself has unequivocally proclaimed, "has deranged the equilibrium of the world and revolutionized mankind's ordered life," to what agency if not to the irresistible diffusion of that world-shaking world-energizing world-redeeming spirit which the Báb has affirmed is "vibrating in the innermost realities of all created things," can the origins of this portentous crisis incomprehensible to man and admittedly unprecedented in the annals of the human race be attributed? In the convulsions of contemporary society in the frenzied world-wide ebullitions of men's thoughts in the fierce antagonisms inflaming races, creeds and classes in the shipwreck of nations in the downfall of kings in the dismemberment of empires in the extinction of dynasties in the collapse of ecclesiastical hierarchies in the deterioration of time-honored institutions in the dissolution of ties secular as well as religious that had for so long held together the members of the human race — all manifesting themselves with ever-increasing gravity since the outbreak of the first World War that immediately preceded the opening years of the Formative Age of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh — in these we can readily recognize the evidences of the travail of an age that has sustained the impact of His Revelation that has ignored His summons and is now laboring to be delivered of its burden as a direct consequence of the impulse communicated to it by the generative, the purifying the transmuting influence of His Spirit

Let your vision be world-embracing…” — Bahá’u’lláh

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