Easter exposed

2 years ago

Easter is not about Jesus at all but about worship of Ishtar a moon goddess and it is very wicked and Jesus did not die on Friday and rose on Sunday He died on Wednesday and rose on Saturday and His apostles kept Passover not Easter!! God hates good Friday, palm Sunday, Easter, Christmas, Christmas Eve, they are all pagan holidays and God told the Jews to not worship the pagan idols around them and they did!! They bowed down to Baal, Ishtar and worshiped the pagan idols and God has nothing to do with pagan worshiping people at all!! Easter is not about Jesus at all but about the worship of Ishtar a pagan moon goddess!! It has been around since nimrod made istar and he and ancient Iraqis worshiped Tammuz and istar a moon goddess!! Woe unto everyone who celebrates Easter for you are worshipping a pagan moon goddess and not Jesus and do not expect God to be happy with you at all!! He is not happy at says I detest your feast days and your people crying for Tammuz they rejected Me the Lord and worship the queen of heaven, Easter is a pagan holiday!!!

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