Students Stunned When They Hear How Much "The Rich" Already Pay In Taxes

2 years ago

As Democrat demands to "tax the rich" grow, Campus Reform's Addison Smith went to the University of Houston to see if students felt that the wealthy in America pay their fair share, or if they should have their taxes raised even more.

Students overwhelmingly supported raising taxes for the rich, but when Smith asked them who "the rich" was, they were unsure.

“I have no idea. Probably like, more than 6 digits maybe”, said one student. “I think somebody that like, has like a good-paying job,” said another.

When Smith asked students to guess the threshold for the top 1% of income earners in America, many of them thought they were multi-millionaires and billionaires. In reality, the threshold to be in the top 1% constitutes a salary of $538,926, much less than many students suspected. But many supported raising their taxes nonetheless, until Smith revealed how much they already pay.

Watch the full video above to see their responses.


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