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2 years ago

3/02/22 14:45

Read Ezekiel 4:7-17

You are to use these measurements for your daily food and water ration, for the famine I am bringing is severe. Save up water, for the springs will be contaminated. My water will be living water, My Ruach will sustain you, but store up - store up before it is too late- oil, water, salt,sugar and grains. Store it up, dried fruit and meat. I asked if there is no electricity the meat will go bad. The reply was Blizzard… no need to have an operational freezer. The days of famine approaches fast. Wheat, barley, beans, lentils,millet and buckwheat. Make bread from it, ¾ pound food per person per/day, 1.8litres of water per person. Ezek. 4:7 these quantities will sustain you. When you run low, I will sustain you as I did the woman with the last drop of oil and flour. Trust in Me, I will see you through.


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