Take Charge of Your Mental Health

2 years ago

Your mental health is so important in everything that you do. Having a healthy brain and neurochemistry allows you to make good decisions, take healthy risks and move towards your purpose, your reason for being on this earth.

That being said, your mental health is under attack. People that are afraid, anxious and worried are easy to control and manipulate. Think about how much you are being bombarded with fear and anxiety producing news. Notice that when one narrative ends, there is one right on the tail end to replace it. When you see through these narratives, you are not easily controlled and manipulated. In fact, it give you more personal power and autonomy.

When you are able to take care of your mental health and see through the constant fear, you become more powerful and you give others permission to do the same!

When you live with purpose and passion you give others permission to do the same. When more people do this, the world becomes a better place. What emotions tend to run your life? What organs can you strengthen to help you on your journey?

This is a great protocol to practice on yourself or grab a friend and play with each other's faces... you'll love the way it feels and it's a great way to release stuck emotions and clear the way for a better future.

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