Bitcoin for Boomers!

2 years ago

Bitcoin for Boomers! Meet The Plebs!
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Bitcoin 2022 will be the biggest Bitcoin conference ever!
Miami, FL from April 6–9, 2022.
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"I Saw The Problems Bitcoin Solved Before It Was Invented"

The last time I talked to a lawyer, it wasn’t this fun. Mark Maraia, author, contributor and now contributor liaison here at Bitcoin Magazine, has incredible insight into various industries that are all impacted by Bitcoin. As he explained, there was a nagging feeling of looming problems and inefficiencies in many of the industries he’d worked in — but it wasn’t until 2020 that he realized bitcoin presents the solution to many of these issues. We expand on his perspective on health, how he relates bitcoin to fellow boomers, and networking at Bitcoin 2022. Be sure to check out the podcast and written interview below.

0:00:00 - Mark Maraia's rabbit hole story
0:03:04 - The problem with the current banking system
0:06:44 - What has Mark learned from Bitcoin?
0:12:00 - Taking ownership of your health
0:18:28 - Mark's projects in restorative agriculture and healthcare
0:25:18 - How to approach networking
0:32:33 - The boomers' perspective on Bitcoin
0:38:14 - Explaining Bitcoin to zoomers and millennials vs boomers

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