God is good all the time 474: Charlatons and Decievers in Church Clothes

2 years ago

Wow what a topic for today! We are doing just that looking at those who claim to be teachers and prophets and all the other titles one can think of that are being used today. They are looking for followers and they all say the same thing "I know the truth because God has told me! I am the one that you need to listen to because I am the TRUE MOUTHPIECE that God is using in this time." But as scripture tells us there are and have been many who claim this from the time of Christ until this very day. And we need to be aware of this and wary of them because they are far from the truth if they have little or no concern for the truth that is in the scriptures or hold to the scriptures being the final authority as Christ has taught us to see. This is just a look at those we need to see as they are for they are charlatans and deceivers.

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