Fact#8: NASA Learns About Tampons

2 years ago

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Background Music Credit:
Music: Hang for Days - Silent Partner https://youtu.be/A41A0XeU2ds


Fact #8: NASA Learns About Tampons

In 1983, America put its first woman in space - Sally Ride. As exciting as this was, NASA was confused at how to deal with lady business in outer space.

In fact, when the engineers were preparing for her flight, they asked her about how many tampons she would be needing, saying "is 100 the right number?" This goes to prove that no matter how smart a man may be, he will still have no clue about a woman’s body.

Sally Ride responded by just saying, "that would not be the right number.” The engineers replied by saying, "we just want to be safe."

Even better, the engineers tied the strings of the tampons together so they wouldn't float away. So, if you ever need a laugh, just imagine NASA engineers tying tampons together.


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