Patty's husband died of heart and kidney failure, not because of COVID..

2 years ago

Today I am interviewing a surviving spouse, Patty, whose husband went to the hospital to be treated for COVID.

Patty's husband died of heart and kidney failure, not because of COVID, and it is because of hospital protocols.

Hospitals used to be benevolent organizations that had patients' best interest at heart, now, because of the change in how they are owned and operated, the number one priority is profit, patient outcomes are a distant second goal.

Patty's husband was an avid fisher, family man, and was the one to step up to care for his mother-in-law when she needed extra help. He was an integral aspect of a non-profit that helped teens and young adults learn life skills.

Patty and her husband both got COVID in early August 2021. He started having issues breathing, had high fever and joint pain. He called his doctor and was able to get a prescription for steroids. After a week, he wasn't getting better so he called his doctor again. With his oxygen level being "too low", the doctor advised him to go to the hospital because it was "the only place to get oxygen."

Patty took him to hospital at 12:30pm, they kept him in the ER until about 5:30am. During that time his oxygen levels remained in the 94-98 range. He sent a text to Patty that said, "They have done absolutely nothing…no fluid, no oxygen. He (doctor) said the oxygen levels were good. but he's trying to figure out a way to keep me for observation overnight."

For two day his oxygen levels were good, but the hospital kept him to give him Remdesivir. In a text he sent to his brother, Patty's husband said, "They are giving me Remdesivir, it's supposed to really help. I may be able to go home tomorrow as long as my oxygen levels stay good."
Remdesivir was originally used to treat Ebola, but was discontinued after half the patients in the trials died. When the FDA approved Remdesivir with an Emergency Use Authorization, they did not disclose the sordid past of the drug, or the fact that it destroys the kidneys. The hospital protocol requires the COVID patients to be given IV fluids, this, in addition to Remdesivir, causes a body to retain excess fluid. This leads to organ failure. Even though hospitals know this, they continue to use this protocol because the hospital administration knows they will receive increased payments for each dose of Remdesivir that is administered.

The hospital would not allow Patty in to visit her husband for five days, and even though she called the hospital multiple times a day, no one returned her call or would talk to her to give her an update.

On day five, he sent Patty a picture of himself and told her they were transferring him to a different room because he "needed more oxygen." Patty went to the hospital to talk to someone, a nurse asked when the last time she had seen him. Patty was confused, the hospital front desk told her every day that she wasn't allowed to go see her husband. The nurse said that was incorrect, they had a lottery for visitors, Patty would need to sign up to get a spot.

After two more days, Patty's husband could no longer talk to her, he couldn't sit up. Patty learned about the success of patients on Ivermectin and asked the hospital to give it to her husband, but the hospital ridiculed her and refused her request. For five days Patty requested they give her husband Ivermectin, for five days the hospital refused. Patty contacted his primary care doctor but was told that once the patient was in the hospital, the primary could no longer care for the patient.

On his tenth day in the hospital, they told Patty that he needed to be put on a ventilator because he was deteriorating. "We've done the protocol, there's nothing more we can do," they kept telling her. Patty urged her husband to tell them "no" to the vent. He was on 70% high-flow oxygen, they told him he either needed to get vented or "get up and walk." This "tough love" caused him to get so upset that his energy tanked and he ended up on 100% high-flow oxygen.

Patty had had enough. She told the attending doctor that she would sign whatever paperwork they requested but that she wanted her husband to be given Ivermectin.

Within three days of being given Ivermectin, he was like a different person! He messaged Patty asking her to bring him shaving cream and a razor, telling her that he wanted to eat Chipotle, and telling their daughter that he was "healed." And, he was off oxygen! The doctors told her that he could go home in two days.

During that evening, he had a low oxygen event and he had shortness of breath. He desperately tried to get a nurse but she was on a lunch break, so he started screaming for help. When help arrived, they wanted to put him directly on a ventilator.

After this event, no more Ivermectin was given to Patty's husband. The hospital personnel were obnoxious and dismissive of Patty's request.
The hospital was so negative in how they talked to them, telling them how many each day left in body bags. The lung doctor told him there was nothing more he could do and he was being transferred to an ICU doctor. Patty got him transferred to a different room so he didn't have to see the body bags leaving the hospital.

Her husband continued to be on high-flow oxygen and every day the hospital would pressure her to let them put him on a ventilator. He would send Patty texts begging for ice chips, telling her that no one was coming into his room. When Patty asked the ICU doctor, "Could you just give him ice," she was told, "We have a lot of emergencies here." His oxygen levels dropped into the 60's and he was vented. Two days later, Patty's husband passed away.

He didn't die because of COVID, he died because the hospital protocol dictated a treatment plan that included the administration of a drug that is known to cause organ failure, the use of ventilators, a lack of adequate, attentive treatment, and the denial of an inexpensive, effective treatment drug that made a significant difference, when it was allowed.

But, because of the hospital protocol, any suggestion to try a different treatment was nearly futile, and the denial to continue the Ivermectin, when it was apparent that is was working, does nothing more than prove that the hospital was more concerned with racking up the Remdesivir bonus payments than it was with caring for people.
Hospitals are no longer the benevolent organizations that care for people, they are now the places people go to die. COVID has shown the true intent of hospital administrators and it has caused a great distrust among people. I fear that there will be no going back.
Hospitals are not where you want to go when you get COVID, I would recommend you take measures now to be prepared. The Frontline Doctors COVID Protocol can be found at There are many options to get treatment at home and many resources available to minimize your need to go to a hospital.

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