I Am the Resurrection - March 20, 2022

2 years ago

In John chapter 11 we find the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. It is exciting to read stories about miracles and to see the power of God at work. There are so many miracles recorded in the Bible, that some people believe that we should expect to see miracles all the time. Make no mistake, our God is a living God, and he still does miracles today. But he does them when he chooses, and always for the purpose of advancing his plan for the salvation of the world. In the resurrection of Lazarus, we see that God had a purpose for this miracle which involved revealing important information to us about who Jesus is, leading many to believe in Jesus, and it was also the event which caused the Jewish leaders to finally plot the arrest and death of Jesus which would accomplish God’s plan for the salvation of mankind. Let’s look together at the story of Lazarus.

Here are the Bible passages that were used in the preparation of this message:
Matthew 8:5-13
Mark 5:22-43; 8:29
Luke 7:11-17; 8:41-56
John 11:1-57

You can download a free Bible app to your computer or smartphone here: https://www.youversion.com/the-bible-app/

You can learn more about the Protestant Evangelical Church of Narbonne here: http://epe-narbonne.fr/en/

Have questions? You can contact me by e-mail at: pasteur.epen@protonmail.com

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