God: Unclassified (Looking for Chemistry in Deserted Places) Full

2 years ago


Who won the Scopes Monkey Trial in 1925? If you ask a conservative they will probably concede that the liberals won, but, actually, in the trial court, the Butler Act that had prohibited the teaching of evolution was not struck down, John Thomas Scopes was fined $100 and the ACLU recruited public school teacher actually lost, even when the matter was brought to the Tennessee State Supreme Court. Scopes' only victory, if you can call it that in an age when "anything is possible (in evolving science) if you believe", walking by faith (in evolving science) and not by sight (in a global public health crisis), then yes: he won, having his fine invalidated on a technicality.

So, inspired by the Kristian works of a man named Andersen, like the dude in The Matrix movies, for Keanu Reeves fans, and his ground breaking deductive (Sherlock used induction) analysis to establish the zoonotic evolution theory for a novel coronavirus, and girded by the same faith that has even The Scientific American promoting funding research for building statistical models to establish the numbers of potential planets where life might exist, even though we have not an iota of evidence to suggest that other life is out there, and have not found that advanced civilization who yet has figured out how to send us an email or call us on the phone, we delve into the topic of Creation versus Evolution, or at least Evolution as they tried to explain it to you, who failed to read a 40 page report at the beginning of the pandemic that told you everything you needed to know, like "it is not clear whether this correlates with the presence of an infectious virus", which should be words you should be able to recite from rote, after two years.

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