Deaths from covid Vaccines

2 years ago

We'll save the fact checkers time and offer a disclaimer that some of these cases remain unsolved as to the determined cause of death or injury, but in every case the victims were recently compliant of the mandates. Not enough is known about these products to safely justify mass administration, let alone mandates and that remains the case as we are entering the 2nd year of mass mandates. Let's take a look at how world leaders have responded to a pandemic that involves an illness known to have rapid mutations of strains and to have varying effects on those infected ranging from asymptomatic to critical.
Going into year 3 we still are dependent on a singular solution that is critically flawed. Every claim regarding these shots are explicitly incorrect. We were told by leaders of nations that the shot will keep you out of the hospital or from dying. We were told that getting the shot meant we were free to go "back to normal" and threatened to lose access to normalcy if we refused to comply.
We were promised herd immunity if enough people got the shot yet even in countries with the highest vaccination rates are seeing higher case numbers than before the shot was introduced. We were told the shot was designed to address future strains but now not only has that been proven wrong, the response has been to keep taking more shots over and over in less than a year. 2 shots 2 weeks apart and boosters every 6 months. Certain shots were approved for mass administration only to later be advised against rather than recalled.
We were told the shots were safe and effective. We were told that getting the shots would end the pandemic. Countries with low rates are seeing low case numbers and transmissions. Instead of applauding this it's deemed a mystery and left alone. We've been increasingly mandated even as it has been evident that the shot carries risks and cannot stop you from getting the virus.
During a pandemic where the greatest challenge has been hospital staff shortages, they have fired thousands of nurses who refused to follow orders and have pulled the licenses of thousands of Doctors who refuse to go along as well. This alone should be of concern to everyone no matter where you stand.
They have yet to acknowledge that if the shot doesn't prevent transmission, then there's no rationalization that can explain mandates. Pre-vaccine we were warned that the virus can be dormant inside asymptomatic carriers which was the justification for masks. Now a shot that they claim diminishes symptoms (aka asymptomatic), can serve as a means of claiming to be free of the virus. We were told we could take off masks and be with our family members if given the shot even though the shot could mean sick with no symptoms.
Asking for proof of vaccination instead of testing is a false equivalent concept. It is not just misleading, it's endangering the public.
Often people ask, if you disagree then what would you do instead? Instead of throwing billions into a flawed vaccination program, the money would have been used to fast track rapid testing and developing home testing that works effectively and is easy to obtain. As easy as getting these shots. I'd have policies that places status of illness over whether or not one was vaccinated since that's ultimately what we are trying to prevent, spread of the virus.
I would have invested in fast tracked antiviral medications, dozens have shown great effectiveness yet we are just now beginning to see emergency authorization to just a few and those few are made mainly by the same criminal enterprises responsible for the flawed shots. And people are complacent and programmed to view this as antivax conspiracy talk.
This is an apolitical issue and although many who challenge vaccination may lean towards a given political Party, it is the whole of every society across the world who carry concerns for safety from mandates and from grossly under tested products. Stop attempting to label and start listening. This doesn't get better until we break beyond division.

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