Amazing Testimony From Financial Elite Insider - Ronald Bernard

2 years ago

Amazing Testimony From Financial Elite Insider - Ronald Bernard

March 10, 2022

Follow The Money

Incredible revelations from a financial establishment Whistleblower Ronald Bernard.

Dutch Whistleblower, Ronald Bernard was directly working with the highest people of the financial elite, who effectively rule the world. He worked for the top banking elite. In this video, he tells us his story about, the Illuminati, Satanism, and Zionism.

He was very good at moving their massive money flows, in such a way that nobody could discover their criminal practices. At a certain point they invited him to join their Holy Mass in the Churches of Satan.

Bernard found it amusing to see the naked women, and enjoy the drugs and alcohol. The next step however shook him: he was invited to participate in the sacrificing of children. He discovered that most people who operate at the highest financial levels of our world are all part of a religion called Luciferianism, where children are sacrificed.

Money breeds power and unfortunately people with power only want more power. Decentralization prevents this type of abusive power from occurring. Transparency and decentralization are absolutely essential to ensure Dash remains non-corruptible.

We need to proactively build safeguards into our governance structure to ensure transparency remains a core value so that the kinds of acts reported by Bernard.

"I am a Zionist. You don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist." ~Joe Biden

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