10 Signs of Magnesium Deficiency Unlisted Video

2 years ago

It’s very common in the US and Canada, the UK, and Australia to be deficient in magnesium.

Millions are suffering from magnesium deficiency.

“But wait a minute, my doctor checked my magnesium level and said it was normal”, I hear you say.

Here is the thing.

At any given time in your body, only 1% of your available magnesium is present in your blood is in the serum.

And your body regulates that amount very, very tightly because magnesium facilitates over 400 biochemical reactions in your body every single minute of every single day.

It’s vitally important for life. It is an essential nutrient.

It’s an essential mineral your body can’t make.

If your serum level drops your body immediately pulls magnesium from your bones and organs out into the bloodstream to normalize that level.

There’s really not a good way to check your magnesium levels with a medical test.

So let’s talk about some signs and symptoms that might give you the heads up that you are low in magnesium....

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