Full Body Morning Flow | 45-minute Follow Along | SRMD Yoga

2 years ago

Awaken and feel refreshed each day by kickstarting your morning with a full body yoga flow. Through a combination of asanas and dynamic exercises, this morning routine is perfect to regulate the flow of energy in the body, maintain flexibility and increase physical strength. Seamlessly flow through these asanas this morning and cultivate a feeling of balance and vitality. Join us with this 45-minute full body morning flow.
#Yoga #SRMDYoga

Atmarpit Shraddha is the head of SRMD Yoga. Hailing originally from Antwerp, Belgium, Atmarpit Shraddha shifted to India to pursue a spiritual path. She has been initiated as an ‘Atmarpit’ by Pujya Gurudevshri Rakeshji, founder of Shrimad Rajchandra Mission Dharampur. An Atmarpit is a renunciate who has been initiated into life-long celibacy, and a life of sadhana and seva.

Atmarpit Shraddha is an Experienced Registered Yoga teacher (E-RYT 500 hours) with Yoga Alliance. She is also certified as an Arogya Yoga Therapist (TTC 300 hours), she has studied yoga therapy for various diseases. She leads various yoga workshops at the International Headquarters of SRMD Yoga and virtual workshops across the globe, with participants from the United States, United Kingdom, France, UAE, Australia and Singapore. Atmarpit Shraddha also regularly conducts chanting and meditation sessions. She has hosted yoga events for various Embassies worldwide and regularly leads corporate yoga workshops.

SRMD Yoga is an initiative envisioned by Pujya Gurudevshri Rakeshji as a means to augment a seeker's spiritual progress and wellbeing by facilitating physical and mental health. Through asana, pranayama, meditation and other yogic techniques, the programme promotes a holistic way of living by aligning one's body, mind and soul.

Sign up today at https://srmdyoga.org/register/yoga-ho... for live online daily yoga classes with teachers from all over the world. Yoga Hour is designed for all levels of practitioners with personal attention given to each participant. Stay fit and healthy from the comfort of your home, motivated by experienced instructors and add a dose of discipline to keep yourself on track!

The first class is on us. Choose your convenient slot using the special code SRMDYOGA100 for your first free trial class!

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