i am now the person i wanted to be in high school *ag stand up

2 years ago

thanks, mike pablo
one of the most unique talents in nashville
i love black people, sorry BLAAAAACK people
imma embarrass myself too (so true!)
why didn't i poop before i got up here
spinach is good by itself, here to inform
complicated...somebody (BLAAAAACK) agrees
everybody's boring, take pride in being unique & different if it pisses off the masses
this reminds me so much of high school
ehhhhh...so true!
taking a shit in the bathroom, then i'll be on stage
such a huge audience in the shower
that's ronnit
actual jokes
vegan salad
i know you guys hate God
used to fast for psychological reasons called anorexia
ooooh finally got an actual laugh, haha
fasting from the world...schizophrenia
happily in the woods
mike pablo is actually paying attention
staying sober just means don't drink *cymbal
taking my power back, bitch
i really do have all the information
nothing is wrong w/ sexism
yawl have no idea how much power i have
just be good and you'll get what you want
such a true statement about america
we are nothing more than a botched experiment
...if that don't make you love america
appreciate this reaction
they talk about my actual jokes and set before and after my sets always

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