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Intentional Fresh Food & Supply Shortages

3 years ago

This video compilation is not of the highest quality (sorry for that), but incredibly effective in conveying (through various independent sources) how global governance systems have been working to create food and resource shortages worldwide. The individuals featured in this presentation are based in various parts of North America & the UK, but the circumstances are widespread throughout the world––by premeditated design. The purpose behind these happenings is of course to promote false narrative (including the twisted oligarchic idea of what a "green agenda" should be––strong hint: it is absolutely NOT friendly to our planet or fellow inhabitants) in order to justify their imminent reaction and acceptance of proposed "solutions" to disastrous events as they unfold.

Truly amazing how so many people seems to be reacting to such things as “news”, especially as our (UNLESS & LORAX Community) flock has been discussing how to address ALL of it (including the Agent Orange––which is Bayer/Monsanto's product) since before our "official" communion in 2006. That said, it is incredibly heartening to see many people finally awakening to realities which have been waiting in the proverbial wings for so many years––though it does make one wonder if this point on the timeline could be “too late” for those who are only just now beginning to prepare...

However, those of us who already know how the story is meant to end may simply view all of it as the foretold birth pains as foretold via scriptural prophecy. Let is all resolve to remain aware, prepared, build/reinforce our community, and most importantly maintain our faith!

Blessings to all who live in accordance with divine will, and may our just creator deal accordingly with the enemy forces now bringing their crimes into the light.


Monero - 429jYTbK5YNABekB7kvg6oauVFfXJjQm4XbS4CVNDJmWc2wDGhr239MYx5WYiHYEDyZzCyw5BYyb52V8XhyPQwU2ENYmWgg

PirateChain -

Odysee (LBRY) back up channel: https://odysee.com/@Revelations:2


  • 0/2000
  • This is insane! Our world governments are absolutely corrupt and just pure evil!

  • Don’t do it! Keep your guns at hand if they come without a warrant they can’t look…. Talk to a lawyer, have numbers on speed dial. In China they lock whole blgs up won’t let anyone out, they conjure COVID lies and quarantine. People jumping to their death. We can’t give in!