The TRUE nature of History & Buildings has been HIDDEN

3 years ago

A Grand Civilisation which potentially expanded its architecture worldwide only 200 years ago, utilising advanced free energy technology similar to Tesla, that constructed the greatest architectural achievements of mankind, and was able to use frequency based devices to heal many material ailments through a form of cymatics . That such a Civilisation may have existed and was most likely destroyed by Napoleon and his allies using enormous environmental cataclysms.
One of the most notable concepts surrounding the lost civilisation of Tartaria and the old world is the one involving atmospheric free-energy architectural technology being used by this lost culture.
There remains evidence to indicate that much of the architecture as well as some late Middle-Age architecture is structured in a way that practically mimics ideas relating to Tesla’s tower technology. In fact, many of these buildings exhibit the atmospheric antennae required and the structural materials required for both its inducement and dispersal into its architectural framework.
Full link to this video on YouTube here -

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