Wide is the Gate: Rise of The New Evangelicalism (Social Gospel Origins)

2 years ago

Wide is the Gate Volume 2 (NOTE: Video run time is 3:34 and is broken up into 45min. Chapters with full roll credits then it rolls into the next chapter.)

This volume covers the following topics:

–Fundamental Evangelicalism
–Youth Movements & The Social Gospel
-COEXIST & The Peace Plan
–Roman Catholicism
–Reformed Theology
–Contemplative Mystical Movement

Experts interviewed by Caryl Matrisciana for WIDE IS THE GATE VOLUME 2 include: Eric Barger, Jason Carlson, Mike Gendron, Sarah Leslie, Jan Markell, Tom McMahon, Johanna Michaelsen, Brenda Nickel, Roger Oakland, Chris Quintana, Warren Smith, Paul Wilkinson, Ray Yungen and others.

In Matthew 7:13–14 Jesus describes two gates: the wide gate—taken by many—that leads to destruction (Matthew 7:13); and the narrow gate—taken by few—that leads to life (Matthew 7:14). One gate is wide to accommodate the many who enter the way leading to destruction, while the other is narrow to represent the relatively few who seek life and find it. Jesus exhorts His listeners to enter through the narrow gate rather than attempting to enter through the broad gate.

See additonal info & Notes:

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