Contentment - March 6, 2022

3 years ago

Many people believe that contentment is the result of having certain things. Some people think, “If I just had a nice car or a nice house, or the right husband or wife, or children, or made a certain amount of money, then I would be content.” Contentment is not the result of having things. You can be rich and have a wonderful family, good health and all the things that money can buy and still not be content. While others can have almost nothing and be content. Other people think that if they were different from who they are, if they were better looking, or talented in a certain area, or had better health, then they would be content. But those things do not bring contentment either.

Here are the Bible passages that were used in the preparation of this message:
Philippians 4:11-13
1 Timothy 6:6-10
Hebrews 13:5

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