😜#Cartoon #Physics😜

3 years ago

🙋#Cartoon #Physics🙋

💓Children under, say, ten, shouldn't know
that the universe is ever-expanding,
inexorably pushing into the vacuum, galaxies
swallowed by galaxies, whole
solar systems collapsing, all of it
acted out in silence.
💓At ten we are still learning the rules of
cartoon animation, that if a man draws a door on a rock
only he can pass through it.

💓Anyone else who tries will crash into the rock.
Ten-year-olds should stick with burning houses,
car wrecks,ships going down—earthbound, tangible
disasters, arenas where they can be heroes.

💓You can run back into a burning house, sinking ships
have lifeboats, the trucks will come with their ladders,
if you jump you will be saved.
💓A child places her hand on the roof of a schoolbus,
e drives across a city of sand.
💓She knows the exact spot it will skid, at which point
the bridge will give, who will swim to safety
e who will be pulled under by sharks. She will learn
that if a man runs off the edge of a cliff he will not fall
until he notices his mistake.

🔵📢 Author🔵📢: Nick Flynn 🔵📢Research:🔵📢 Vitor hugo Lizardi Leonardi

🔔📣SHOW- The channel was created to promote texts and sounds for us to think a little about life and as we can be very happy with what little we have, did you like it, leave your LIKE, your comment as soon as possible we will reply, thank you. If any writer,record label, artist or photographer has a problem with any music upload or
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🔔📣 We strive to find the best and most enjoyable text and music for
you! We hope to make your days more beautiful with texts and music that make you think and music to relax! Text, love and music. I'm also a writer, I'm working on this project!
🔔📣 If you have any copyright issues or questions, please don't let me know. report, please take the time to contact us via email and we will respond within 48 hours 🔔📣 vitorleonardi99@gmail.com 🔔📣

#teacher, #canaldark, #dark, #children, #swallowed, #silence,
#drawing, #door, #house, #disaster, #salvage, #bridge, #shark

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