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Head Sleeping Direction — DO NOT SLEEP NORTH! *IMPORTANT*

3 years ago

Get a Compass immediately and find East — Sleep with your head facing East

Natural Health Lifestyle Techniques
How to EXCEL in The Upside Down World: https://rumble.com/vw7cdu-how-to-excel-in-the-upside-down-world-try-this-immediately.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8
Lost Sungazing Secrets (MUST WATCH for all Q's): https://rumble.com/vw7d5m-the-eye-of-the-i-lost-sungazing-secrets-bring-down-the-house.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8
Why Wearing Black Must be avoided At All Costs: https://rumble.com/vw5a7u-black-clothes-absorb-all-energy-all-black-funerals-death-absorption.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8
Spin like a Tornado for You are the Storm: https://rumble.com/vuc1j2-spin-tornado-spin-you-are-the-storm-the-whirling-dance-of-life.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8
Hidden Cure Within All People: https://rumble.com/vo8oyo-how-to-access-the-cure-to-every-disease-within-you.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8
Nose Drinking: https://rumble.com/vlcwxd-nose-drinking-hydrate-senses-to-change-outer-world.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8
Truth about Sleep: https://rumble.com/vsdhou-the-floor-is-yours-beds-the-war-on-spines-sleep-soul-spirit.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8
Life Intel Report: https://rumble.com/vlz5g9-life-intel-report-the-great-awakening.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8
Create Life Energy in your Drinks: https://rumble.com/vlv4ov-create-life-energy-in-drinks.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8
Dehydration Epidemic: https://rumble.com/vldfbo-dehydration-epidemic-aliens-matrix-disease-water-cure.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8
Dehydrated Brain: https://rumble.com/vlcpff-dehydrated-brain-sinus-secret-activate-your-higher-senses.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8
Secret Blood Pump: https://rumble.com/vlb4nh-secret-energy-pump-our-infinity-connection.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8
Quantum Field Access in 15 Seconds: https://rumble.com/vktiuc-quantum-zero-point-energy-field-access-in-15-seconds.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8
How to use your Hands to send Thoughts: https://rumble.com/vlv9af-using-touch-to-send-and-receive-thoughts.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8
Women *FOREVER* Retain All DNA from All Sex with All Men who become a part of them *FOR LIFE* (MUST WATCH!) https://rumble.com/vufe7i-women-forever-retain-dna-of-all-sex-with-all-men.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8
Head Sleeping Direction: https://rumble.com/vwdj0a-head-sleeping-direction-do-not-sleep-north-important.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8

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  • 0/2000
  • Get a Compass immediately and find East — Sleep with your head facing East Works opposite if you live below the Equator — Then do not sleep with your head facing South

  • A lot of things " could happen ". I could be listening to bullshit

  • I heard him and this guy Said a lot things that make senses but this guy is not a good person!!!!

  • Head in East: Sleeping with head in East direction increases memory, concentration, good health and inclination towards spirituality. Students, as per vastu shastra, must sleep with their head in East direction in order to increase memory, retention power of brain and concentration. https://wanderhere.typepad.com/myveda/vastu/

  • Not convincing when the guy who is for depopulation of the planet is telling it. Check his connections.

  • So a North Pole magnetic pull strong enough to pull iron in my blood from top of the World but yet metal particles in my house or whatever don’t move? A compass below the equator points to South Pole?

    1 like
  • First we don't live on a globe, second, there's no south pole. The earth doesn't move, it's fixed. The sun moon and stars circle the flat plane. Gravity has never been proved!

    1 like