5 Big Questions For Woody White

2 years ago

Mr. Woody White, a trustee at UNC-Wilmington, says a Campus Reform report spurred him to action after a professor at the school posted a threat on Facebook.

White, an attorney and small business owner, asked the school's chancellor to investigate the professor, who had posted "blow up Republicans" on social media. (The professor has since apologized.)

[RELATED: WATCH: 5 Big Questions for Congressman Jim Jordan]

North Carolina has recently become a hotbed for university trustees using their authority to create change. The state's flagship campus, UNC-Chapel Hill, made headlines by deciding not to grant tenure to Nikole Hannah-Jones, author of the 1619 Project. The school's trustees met to later reverse their decision, but Hannah-Jones declined to teach there anyway, taking a position at Howard University instead.

White says the uproar over Hannah-Jones being denied tenure shows "the power of bullies in the woke movement."

Read the story here: campusreform.org/article?id=17810

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