loved this set, fuck errbody *except alex (go cowbell!)

2 years ago

that's my fren alex and no, i am not a zionist or feminist
only i would wear a pink lace dress w/ a camo hunting hat
looking at this, i really am some alien character study
we don't need anything but God
basket case...stop putting additional things in basket!
alex was the only one that got that joke
is this laced so true! now trans laced
these are great jokes fuck my audience
schizophrenia underground city
you guys don't have to get me
explosive diarrhea ain't the same w/out iphone5,000
well i'm glad alex was there haha
alex is my laugh track
siri will go on killing spree
welcome to the inside world EVERYBODY
this is like a talent show
i can't believe it's not
jewey $...the jew is fine w/ this joke
ag knows what she's talking about
we gotta prep meat, hope it's mine (actual chicken)
that wasn't supposed to be funny...saline production assembly
why would anybody wanna be here
i only like people w/ self-awareness*rarely women
hardly drank as much at a bar as in a bathroom stall
prayer true!
i love this mfing cowbell
urine...went for the gold (one of my many milestones during drinking career)
cats ate part of my mask, but that's exactly how i was wearing it too
this is a good joke but nobody got it
never took masks seriously haha
such a true statement about men & their dogs (just leave him alone!)
man brain
tax payer $ bonfire...i wish that was actually happening
refuse to meme due to self-respect
finding memes funny, how low do these standards have to get
all that psychiatrists ever did was help me locate better dd
shrink: jew, dd: black (need your $)
women play victim better than they pull out a tampon
toxic shock syndrome=uterus shock syndrome
i ended on a joke that i like (nobody else has to)
i love how i just offended people tonight

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