🍏📢 The #Gardner 🍏

3 years ago

🔔📢The #Gardner

" When we dream, the universe conspires in our favor!"
"A fall from the 10th floor hurts as much as a fall from the 3rd... If I have to fall from very high places" "Nothing in this world is entirely wrong... even a stopped clock is right two times a day" "Where your heart is, there your treasure will be also."
"Builders can take years to complete their tasks. but one day it all ends. So stop, and get limited through its own walls. Life loses meaning when
construction ends.
But there are those who plant. These sometimes suffer from
storms, seasons, and seldom rest. But at Unlike a building, the garden never stops growing.
And while it demands the gardener's attention, it also
allows life to be a great adventure for him. Gardeners will recognize each other Because they know that in the history of each plant
is the growth of the whole earth." "There is always one person in the world who expects another... And when these people cross, and their eyes meet, all the past and all the future loses any
importance, and there is only that moment, and that incredible certainty that all things under the sun were written by the same Hand. The Hand that awakens love..."
"I look at the world with my eyes and not with the eyes of others"
"You have to take risks... we only really understand the meaning of life when we let the unexpected happen..." (On the bank of the River Piedra...)
"Write. Whether it's a letter, a diary or some notes while talking on the phone, but write. Seek to lay bare your soul in writing, though no one reads; or, what's worse, that someone ends up reading what you didn't want to. The simple act of writing helps us organize our thinking and see our surroundings more clearly. One paper and a pen work miracles, cure pain, consolidate dreams, carry and bring the lost hope. The words have power."
"You have to take risks, follow certain paths and abandon others.
is able to choose without fear."
"You have to never relax, even though you've come this far."
"There are moments in life when the only possible alternative is to lose control."

🍏📢Text:🍏📢 Paulo Coelho 🍏📢Research:🍏📢 Vitor Hugo Lizardi

#gardener, #building, #unexpected, #diary, #soul, #act, #thought, #pen, #word,#fear , #fear , #away, #control, #love , #highs, #task, #plant, #storm , #adventure

🔔📢SHOW- The channel was created to promote texts and sounds for us to think a little about life and as we can be very happy with what little we have, did you like it, leave your LIKE, your comment as soon as possible we will reply, thank you. If any writer,record label, artist or photographer has a problem with any music upload or video, please contact us and we will remove your work immediately. Thank you!
🔔📢We strive to find the best and most enjoyable text and music for
you! We hope to make your days more beautiful with texts and music that make you think and music to relax! Text, love and music. I'm also a writer, I'm working on this project!
🔔📢 If you have any copyright issues or questions, please don't let me know. report, please take the time to contact us via email and we will respond within 48 hours 🔴📣 vitorleonardi99@gmail.com 🔴📣

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