Quitting Kratom - Quit Cold Turkey Or Taper? Kratom Withdrawals you'll encounter along the way.

2 years ago


Great Article on Kratom - https://mentalhealthdaily.com/2017/01/16/kratom-withdrawal-symptoms/

Reddit Tapering Guide - https://www.reddit.com/r/modquittingkratom/comments/63tjtd/tapering/

Reddit Support for those looking to quit - https://www.reddit.com/r/quittingkratom/

Fix Your Diet - https://inflammationfactor.com/

RLS website - https://rlcure.com

If you are ready to quit kratom then you have a decision to make. Either quit cold turkey or taper. I took a hybrid approach, which is a rapid taper. The good thing about a rapid taper is that you get off Kratom quicker. The ugly side of a rapid taper, and cold turkey is the gnarly withdrawals. You pretty much get the whole kitchen sink of withdrawal symptoms. Not to mention, every other substance you take into your body, like alcohol, nicotine, cannabis, all seem to enhance the withdrawal symptoms. I took this opportunity to quit everything. I have since returned back to coffee in the morning, but have been free of cannabis, nicotine, and for the most part drinking since starting this journey. My next experiment will be with my diet. I am now starting to realize that my diet is also making symptoms worse.

Good Luck on your journey 🙏

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