Lyric Security System: Fishing Wire Through the Wall

8 years ago

In this video we will show you the best methods for fishing the power wire for your Lyric Security System through the wall.

Honeywell Lyric Controller:
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The Honeywell Lyric security system was designed with the end user in mind. While professional installation is always available, sometimes you just need to do things yourself. Installing the Honeywell Lyric control panel is a fairly straight forward and simple process.

Arguably the most difficult aspect of the entire install process will be running the power wire from the control panel to the transformer at the AC outlet. This video will show you how to fish your power wire through the wall to prevent any wires from being visible.

The most important thing to remember is that the power wire will be run to an outlet. Fishing near the outlet will result in being near high voltage power cables. You should disconnect power at the circuit breaker and test the outlet before cutting holes or running wire.

The optimal method of running the wire is from the bottom up. Making a small hole near the power outlet, as shown in the video and running the wire through this smaller hole to the larger hole at the control panel mount location.

Depending on the angles and obstructions behind the wall, this may not always be possible (as is the example in the video). You should try to minimize hole diameter to prevent visibility of the cut.

The use of a fishing tape, or flexible metal rod, will allow you to have support behind the wall to push the wire through. Follow along with the video to learn how to properly attach the wire to the fishing tape using electrical tape at the ends.

Once you have the wire securely attached to the fishing tape you can push the end through the hole and begin maneuvering the line through the wall up to the exit hole. Patience is required here, because you can’t see behind the wall you have to go slow and feel your way through.

In the even, like in the video, there are too many obstructions, it may be easier to go from the larger hole at the top to the smaller hole at the bottom. If you find this is the case, you will have a better angle from top to bottom, but you will be aiming at a smaller outlet.

Once you have the wire through both holes and behind the wall, pull enough slack out to give you wire to work with. It is far easier to cut off excess wire than it is to try and pull more through later.

Remove the fish line from the wall and attach both ends of the wire to the control panel and transformer as shown in the video. Once complete, you will be able to finalize the mounting of the control panel and power up your system.

When the project is complete, you will only be able to see the control panel on the wall and the transformer plugged into the outlet.

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