unknown entity! SPACE LAB time lapse captured inside a professional facility.

2 years ago

this video IS NOT the IN PERSON inspection video.. please check that out because thats the only way u are going to get a idea of what you are looking at.. here this video its a time lapse that has been speeded up that shows only some of the animate changes this object makes. see the in-person inspection video only on this channel... ( update ) the in person buster inspection video will be updated soon so the older version has been put on private mode for now.

find this channel on youtube copy & paste this link to share this video: https://youtu.be/Aquey4WtYRs

entity definition = a thing with distinct and independent existence.
seeing red, as u see here. is very rare thing to see with this object.. this is only the color that only shows up if you are in front of it in person. when u look at this object in real life, if it has a halogen light pen under it. u will see red faintly in the center of this object. but those colors seen by the human eye show up as purple or blue to your digital cam, phone etc. the reason we see red here is because this space lab was using some vintage filming tech because this footage was captured over 20+ years ago .. they used something with the large film reel.. i dont have the specific name.
many people who see this video say they can see a face in the image... initially, when i first seen this video i did not notice. but as i watched it more than once i did notice it. the face that can be seen here by some people, the image looks like a persons face with a beard, the question was asked if anyone at the space lab who did this time-lapse-shot had a beard, the answer was no.

this UFO is for sale starting at 1 million USD, potential buyers just leave me a comment on youtube & email me at nameericmason@outlook.com please do both this way i will know your serious

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