The Power of Nightmares

2 years ago

In the past, our so-called political "leaders" promised to create a better world for us to live in. Their power and authority came from the optimistic visions that they offered to us. However, those dreams failed to ever become a reality, so Americans lost faith in ideologies. Now, politicians have discovered a new role which restores their power and authority over us. Instead of delivering dreams, they now promise to protect us from nightmares. They say that they will rescue us from the dreadful dangers that we can't see and don't understand.
First it was Communism, and that lie worked really well for about 50 years. Then, it was terrorism, and that lie worked for about 20, and then it was global warming, and that lie worked for about 10 years. Then, they told us it was a virus that they cooked up themselves in biological weapon labs both here and in China, which turned out to be no more lethal than the Seasonal Flu.
Yet, all of these threats were lies, created, exaggerated, and distorted by those who rule over us in order to rob, murder, and enslave us, using their most effective tools--the science of Human Behaviorism.
This is a three-part series by Adam Curtis
Part 1:The Century of The Self
Part 2: The Power of Nightmares
Part 3: The Trap

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