How the Lyric Responds When It's Destroyed During a Robbery

6 years ago

In this video, Jorge discusses what happens if the Lyric Controller gets destroyed during a robbery. By default, Honeywell enables Advanced Protection Logic (APL) for any Lyric that communicates through AlarmNet servers. This feature ensures that an alarm is sent out, even if the panel is destroyed.

Advanced Protection Logic goes by many names. Some people refer to it as "Smash and Crash" or "Smash and Grab". In any case, the feature always works in the same way. The feature goes into effect whenever the system is armed and a sensor with a delay period is activated. APL ensures that even if the system itself is destroyed before the delay period expires, an alarm notification will still be successfully sent out.

The classic example is that an intruder breaks into a home and activates a door contact while the system is set to arm away. This would trigger the entry delay period on the system. The system would then need to be disarmed within this entry delay period, or else an alarm event would occur. But with APL, this alarm event will even occur if the system itself were to be destroyed before the entry delay period expired.

The way that APL works is by having the system send out an alert that its entry delay period was triggered. By logic, either a system disarm or a system alarm event must occur within this time period. But if neither of these events occur, then the only possibility is that they system is not communicating properly because it was destroyed. In this case, the system is smart enough to let the server know, "If you don't hear back from me after this time period, then something is wrong!"

In order to account for transmission delays, there is a built-in APL delay used with this feature. After the entry delay period expires and neither a disarm signal nor an alarm event is received, the APL delay clock will begin counting down. If the APL delay clock expires and nothing is heard from the system, then it will be assumed that the system has been destroyed, and an alarm event will immediately occur. In most cases, the APL delay is about 75 seconds in duration.

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