Excluding a Schlage Z-Wave Lock

5 years ago

In this video, Joe shows users how to exclude a Schlage Z-Wave Lock from a Z-Wave network. Excluding a lock is an important step before attempting to include it into a network. Excluding the lock will clear its Z-Wave settings and allow the device to be paired successfully with a new Z-Wave network.

If you get a new Z-Wave device, then one of the first things you will do is exclude it from the network. This is something you should always do before attempting to add a new Z-Wave device. Many Z-Wave devices, including Schlage Z-Wave Locks are paired with Z-Wave networks before they even leave the factory as part of quality assurance purposes. By taking the time to exclude the lock, you can be sure that the lock will pair successfully.

Excluding a lock is also something to do if you plan on getting rid of the lock or if you are planning to pair it with a new Z-Wave controller. Users who plan to get rid of their Z-Wave locks should clear them from the Z-Wave network before giving them away. This way, their lock will no longer be grouped in with their Z-Wave network. They may want to take the extra step and perform a factory default for their Z-Wave locks. This will clear any codes that have been established with the lock.

Clearing a Schlage Z-Wave Lock follows a relatively simple process. Each lock has a programming code that is used for inclusion and exclusion. In both cases, you will put the lock into its "learn mode". For clearing the lock, you will put the Z-Wave controller into its exclusion mode. Then activate the learn mode function. The lock should clear from the network.

Likewise, the process is very similar for including the lock. Put the Z-Wave hub into its inclusion mode. Then enter the programming code in the lock, and press the [0] key to put the lock into its learn mode. The Z-Wave controller should provide some indication that a new device has been included into the network.


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