Locations Suitable For Installing Heat Detectors

5 years ago

In this video, Jorge explains which locations in a house are best-suited for standalone heat detectors, rather than traditional smoke detectors. Heat sensors respond to the unusually high temperatures that are only present during fires. Many end users integrate heat sensors with their alarm systems.

In most cases, it is better to use traditional smoke detectors throughout a house. Smoke detectors will usually detect a fire more quickly than heat detectors. But that doesn't mean standalone heat detector modules don't have a purpose. These devices are best used in areas where traditional smoke detectors may cause false alarms. There are certain areas in the home where that is the case. For all other unspecified areas, it is usually better to use smoke detectors.

Kitchens are often ideal for heat detectors because cooking food may result in smoke that could cause a false alarm. This is especially true in cases where people sear meats at high temperatures. You also might use heat detectors in bathrooms, because the moisture from taking a bath or shower might activate a smoke detector. Finally, garages and attics are appropriate for heat detectors, as they are usually dusty environments that may cause problems for smoke detectors.

In addition to standalone heat detectors, there are also combination smoke and heat detectors. These devices are actually preferable over standalone smoke detectors, as having multiple detection methods gives the sensor the best chance of detecting a fire quickly. Again, these devices should not be used in areas where false alarms may occur on standard smoke detectors.

Heat sensors are considered property-safety devices, not life-safety devices. Only true smoke detectors are considered life-safety and fire-safety devices. It is recommended that users install smoke detectors wherever possible. But if false alarms are a legitimate concern, then the best option is to use heat detectors in those select locations.


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