Delete a Zone From a DSC PowerSeries NEO

3 years ago

In this video, Michael from Alarm Grid shows you how to delete a zone from a DSC PowerSeries NEO Security System. This process varies depending on whether the zone is hardwired or wireless. For a wired zone, you are simply setting the Zone Definition for the wired zone to [000] for Null Zone. This indicates to the PowerSeries NEO System that the zone is not being used. However, you will still need to have a 5.6k ohm end of line resistor (EOLR) at the zone so that the system knows that the zone is closed. The color code for a 5.6k ohm EOLR is green, blue, red, gold. These resistors come included with the panel.

For deleting a wireless zone, the process is a bit different. In that case, you are actually clearing the wireless sensor from the system so that it is no longer recognized by the system. This involves wiping the Serial Number for the sensor so that the wireless zone just sees a blank Serial Number. Once you delete a wireless sensor from a DSC PowerSeries NEO System, you may need to perform a factory default for the sensor before it will be able to re-enroll with a system. This is because the DSC PowerSeries NEO uses encrypted PowerG Sensors, and the sensor must know that it is not currently enrolled with a system before it will enroll successfully.

The advantage to clearing the zone definition for a wired zone or deleting a wireless zone is that it opens up the zone on the system for use with a new sensor. Like any security system, the DSC PowerSeries NEO only has a limited number of available zones. The actual number of zones can range from 16 to 128 depending on which version of the DSC PowerSeries NEO you are using. If you ever run out of zones on your system, and you need to add a new sensor, then deleting a zone to make space will be necessary.

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